
All posts regarding the care and breeding of catfishes from Africa.
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Post by nvcichlids »

First of all, I am not 100% sure on the species, but the importer has them listed as Microsyno sp. "bumblebee". I do have a few guesses, but before I jump the boat and just purchase, will they be fine in with my current fish? The tank is a 20 gallon L (30"x12"x12") and houses 3x neolamprologus caudopuncts (about 1-1.5"), 4x lamprologus ocellatus ((about 1-1.5") I might have a strain that I have never seen before, I am calling them "Black Caps" cause they have extremely black heads/backs for 99% of the time). I guess the question really is, will they survive in a tanganyikan tank, or should the parameters be different? I have read that they are very adaptable, and I love their size, but I do not know of any other african catfish that would live ok in there other than synos. I was hoping to get a group of 4. The tank has a rock pile to fill the middle 1/3 of the tank with vals growing along the back for the other 2/3 along with some large anubias sp.

Let me know your feed back. The purchase ( if you all give me the go ahead) will be mid january.

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Re: Microsynos

Post by nvcichlids »

is one species available and the other is most likely

they look very similar to the pictures in list of fish available.


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Re: Microsynos

Post by Birger »

Just so you know...I first took this as you being mad at everyone for not helping you right away because it is considered yelling.

But anyway...I keep and have for quite awhile, pictures 7 and 8 are two of mine.
I think they are a really great little fish to have and find them fairly simple to care for.

There are two main reasons I would not mix these together in this tank, the first being the mentioned water parameters, I do not believe they would be comfortable in Tanganyikan parameters, they may survive but it is a little extreme for them. The other being with this number of cichlids in this size tank there would be much competition for space and I would suspect the microsyno's would come out the losers.
Even if you had suitable small tanganyikan cats like or for example, there would still be much competition for defended space in the lower levels with the amount of floor space this tank has.

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Re: Microsynos

Post by nvcichlids »

sorry, i was excited, hadn't seen them befor. thanks for the advice. is there anything that would work? btw, what are the water parameters that you keep yours at?
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Re: Microsynos

Post by Birger »

The only thing I could recommend would be the Tanganyikan as they could handle the Cichlids that you have, but having said that a 20 is still quite small and I think for something like the ocellatus alone it is recommended 12 sq.inches or so of area per male or even per fish I would have to check on that, and you have the potential for two or even three pairs with the fish you have. Keep in mind as well if you wish to keep the young of these shelldwellers some of these small Tanganyikan catfish are predatory (which is why the cichlids wont like them too much) the safest being the lucipinnis IMO.

It has been awhile since I checked parameters on my tap water,but the microsyno's are in that, which is usually a PH of 7.8 and they are kept at 74 F

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Re: Microsynos

Post by nvcichlids »

i know I have 1m/3f of the ocellatus, and the caudopuntcs I am thinking 1m/2f... they stick to the rocks, and the male ocellatus chose a shell almost under the rocks, and does not venture far, except for food. That is the only reason I guess why I am still asking for more info. Are there any other cats (non african) that can stand up to the beef of the shellies if it came down to that? ( oh, the caudos are not agressive at all,t he male oce just doesnt like the male caudo.)
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Re: Microsynos

Post by Birger »

Well, there is always these but there are so many cool fish from Lake Tanganyika I do not think there is a need to start mixing things up.

Edit:here is what I would do...set up the 20 for the microsyno's and get a bigger Tangy tank, problem solved :D :D
Last edited by Birger on 06 Dec 2008, 04:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Microsynos

Post by nvcichlids »

what would be a minimum size tank for the micro synos (if kept by themselves)?

edit: lol, would love to, but stuck as of right now.. may be ok in the near future. (btw, I do have a tang grow out tank that is 10 gal with a DIY stone background that brings out 0 aggression in the shellies, they were all in there together up until 2 weeks ago)
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Re: Microsynos

Post by Birger »

I kept my nine in a 15 gal. for a couple years and they are now in a tank that is just under 30 with some Ancistrus claro...I do not know if you caught my edit in my last post but that 20 would be good for a group of these and some killies or something small.(I have kept mine with killies as well)Then upgrade the Tangy tank.
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Re: Microsynos

Post by nvcichlids »

i may not need to upgrade, my gymno el norte tank is going to be vacant (moving them into my Uruguay Gymno show tank). THis may work out for the best (gymnos in the show tank are 2-3" and the el norte are close to 2")
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Re: Microsynos

Post by Birger »

Ahh yes, there is always a way if you want them bad enough :thumbsup:
Good luck! Let us know how it works out.
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Re: Microsynos

Post by nvcichlids »

Are they active enough to have their own tank, or are the killies recommended to have the activeness?

edit: (btw, what are your water parameters and their eating habits?) and lastly, would P.buffei be a tankmate of choice? ( the size of the school at my lfs has been growing, up to about 10-14)
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Re: Microsynos

Post by Birger »

Once they are settled in it would be similar to your South American bumble bee's...with cover I can see them moving around and squabbling with each other...but come feeding time they dash around like it is there last meal, they really love bloodworms but eat anything the larger syno's would, consideration must be taken for their size though.
I would recommend a group of at least six which would give you more chance of seeing one or two out and about.
They like cover just like their bigger syno cousins.
The killies was just a suggestion to fill in above, but each would go about it's business without disturbing the other and there are many that come from the same area..
I separated my group of P.buffei and put some into a 30 and it seems to be cramping their style, they need more length when they get going to zip around. I would not recommend putting them in anything under 36 inches.

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Re: Microsynos

Post by yorkshiredavid »


Having looked at the photographs of Microsynodontis chrysti and species 1 the newly available Microsynodontis 'species' microglanis are definetly not chrysti .

They have a look of the females of species 1 but I am not convinced that they are this specie either.

Regards David
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