I have seen many good breeding reports here on Planetcatfish so I thought it was my turn to give something back. I have a breeding setup of 2+2 Panaque Maccus in a 56 liter tank with lots of driftwood and caves in different sizes. This is my 5th(?) spawn since the beginning of this summer. The number of fry have been 25-30 in each spawn. I have read that especially the P. Maccus fry are very sensitive, but for me this is not true so far at least.
Congratulations with your p. maccus breeding successes.
i have not found most pleco fry very difficult to raise. The hard part is just being patient enough to get them to spawn and getting a cooperative breeding group.. They will probably spawn regularly for 6 months then take a temporary hiatus before resuming frequent spawning again.
Congratulations with the fry! Very nice pictures, continue with that
Regards Jacob
Now I breed the following species: 12 Peckoltia compta - L134 and 10 Ancistrus L107/L184
I have earlier bred these plecos: L010a, Ancistrus sp., L183, L260, Hypancistrus contradens