Hi Cattleya
I would just like to say thanks for pointing out the site,what a good read that was about the beautiful golden nugget.It is hard to come across sutch good information and even imposible if it is in other languages and loved the pics as well .
I know this might not help you,sorry but this could help others.
I like to search foreign fish sites and unable understand what they say.So if anybody is having trouble translating words on any site this might help you,
I use Firefox brouser and download Google translate and only have to highlight words I want to read,right click then left click on translate,shows in box ,if you want more (like full page)than shows in box left click on it and will show in tab at top of page, covers lots of different languages.Not sure if available outside the UK but you may have the equivalent where you are,I did not know about it and has helped me a lot and hope this info may help others on this site breeding any type of fish or like me enjoy reading about fish.Even works in Le Monde des Poissons chat on this site.
Thanks again
Caution is a most valuable asset in fish keeping, especially if you are the fish.