orange coloured spots on abn fry

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orange coloured spots on abn fry

Post by Breezer »

Hey guys,

I went out to check on my abn fry earlier, and found about 70 dead abn fry. I hadn't checked on them since yesterday morning, so 36hours (i've been real busy with work and mark usually feeds them).

Now, i've got about 20-30 abn fry left. All are less than 2cmTL. And all are covered in orangespots. (I want orangespot fry but this is ridiculus). And I have no idea what it is. They are orange in colour, and larger than whitespot.

One of the abn covered in spots (thank goodness for a good camera)
abn fry
abn fry
any ideas on treatments, i only have triple sulpha in the stock cupboard at the moment, so will have to find some money and take a trip to buy more meds tomorrow but looking at the pic, if you look at the mouth area, it also appears to be inside the mouth so i'm not holding much hope of them pulling through this.
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Re: orange coloured spots on abn fry

Post by Breezer »

Does anyone have any suggestions?
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Re: orange coloured spots on abn fry

Post by MatsP »

Looks like some small parasite of some sort - no idea as to what is a good or bad treatment...

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Re: orange coloured spots on abn fry

Post by Richard B »

Whoa, that looks nasty.

The first thing i'd say is make sure the water quality is tip top. I'm unsure if it's parasite or fungal & this is key to determining the best course of treatment - if it's parasites: where did they come from???

If it's fungal, it could have been present in the water & stressed fish have succumbed to it - the bioload of all the juvies might have rapidly deteriorated water quality, leading to stress, sick fish?
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Re: orange coloured spots on abn fry

Post by Breezer »

Thanks guys, we only have a few left now. Have just started a course of Protozin, so fingers crossed this works. I don't know what else to try, as i'm unsure if its fungal or parasitic, but i am thinking probably parasitic. We have done one treatment for parasitic and had no luck which is why i went and got the protozin All i do know is in a few days i've lost about 90 abn fry and no one has any idea what it is. We have decided to move the remaining few to a smaller QT tank, easier to treat then we can sterilize and start over the original tank.

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