I setup a 20-gallon I had in storage and moved the spawning pair with their log and eggs (careful not to get air on the eggs!) to the 20. I used 100% water from the setup they were in (African Rift Lake) and have done several small water changes to their 20 since moving them. I transferred enough substrate to make about 1 cm coat on the bottom of the setup. I also squeezed a "dirty" sponge into the setup.
I believe all is well in the new setup, but I have one problem - I don't know what species they are! I bought 6 @ 0.75" almost one year ago from the LFS. After a couple of deaths, I ended up with 2 males and 1 female. The fish were labelled, simply, "Bristlenose Pleco". Would you be willing to take a guess at a species ID using these images of my Ancistrus? Please click the thumbnails to open full size images in a new browser window.