New Pickups.. Synodontis Ornatipinnis? pictures

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Re: New Pickups.. Synodontis Ornatipinnis? pictures

Post by racoll »

Don't hold out much hope of any colour pattern - they are well over 100 years old.
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Re: New Pickups.. Synodontis Ornatipinnis? pictures

Post by worton[pl] »


what is BMNH? :oops:

Is there any chance to accuire Poll's Revision?
Thank you for pictures Silurus!

Looks like this fish is totally different than lectotype shown above :/. So is mine.
However few "older" fish keepers suggested that this fish was in hobby long time before hybrids became so popular.
I guess it still can be a not man made thing :).

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Re: New Pickups.. Synodontis Ornatipinnis? pictures

Post by MatsP »

BMNH - British Museum of Natural History, unless I'm completely off... (which I'm not, as I checked it here:

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Re: New Pickups.. Synodontis Ornatipinnis? pictures

Post by Silurus »

worton[pl] wrote: Is there any chance to accuire Poll's Revision?
You can purchase the revision for €61 + shipping directly from the RMCA:

Use the search engine to look for it and then follow the instructions on ordering.
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Re: New Pickups.. Synodontis Ornatipinnis? pictures

Post by worton[pl] »


thank you very much Matt.

Thank you very much Silurus :D

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Re: New Pickups.. Synodontis Ornatipinnis? pictures

Post by racoll »

racoll wrote:The paralectotypes are in the BMNH. I shall see if I can get a photo tomorrow.

Top work,


Saw the types today. Really nice condition, you can actually see the markings on them! Should be getting some high quality images for the cat-elog soon.....

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Re: New Pickups.. Synodontis Ornatipinnis? pictures

Post by Richard B »

:thumbsup: well-played racoll!
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Re: New Pickups.. Synodontis Ornatipinnis? pictures

Post by Chrysichthys »

This is a wild-caught fish which I bought (along with two others, all about 5 cm long), sold as Synodontis ornatipinnis, for £17.50 each at a specialist shop in London. It may or may not be an ornatipinnis, but whatever it is, it is not a hybrid.
(Daily Mash headline)
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Re: New Pickups.. Synodontis Ornatipinnis? pictures

Post by worton[pl] »


yup Chrysichthys you are 100% right imho.
We cannot call everything which we don't know a hybrid. It is just insane :).
I am pretty sure this fish is not hybrid it just act like a true syno :foggie:
Whatever it is it's still very nice looking fish. Mine however is very agressive. Much smaller than my polli but it is numer one in a tank :).
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Re: New Pickups.. Synodontis Ornatipinnis? pictures

Post by racoll »

That fish Chrysichthys, is very similar to to the types of S. ornatipinnis.

The first thing you notice about the species, is that it has huge eyes. Very much looking forward to these photos...
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Re: New Pickups.. Synodontis Ornatipinnis? pictures

Post by Birger »

Very much looking forward to these photos... are we all
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