I have them together now and I'm really worried about my Zebra, that fish is my baby, and from what I hear the Angels are vicious and it already snapped at the Zebra once, I nearly had a heart attack.
I don't think that they match because synos are very vicious and can bite a fish very badly.Also he will grow large at 20cm,are very fast at finding food and because zebras are shy fish he may not be able to eat.
I have a Synodontis Angelicus with an L046 and both are fine. I think it depends on your tank size mostly. A ten or twenty gallon is a bad idea, but mine are in an 80 gallon and to my knowledge have never crossed paths. The syno likes his caves and the zebras live over in the rock pile. My syno is approx. 4 inches now. If your tank is large enough and your hiding places are plentiful, it should not be a huge problem. It hasn't been for me anyhow - just make sure to feed them enough!