adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

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adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by andywoolloo »

I have been seeing this beauty snow king pl*co at my privately owned fish store for about three weeks.

He is approx 12 inches long and I was wondering, I have a 75 gal syno eupterus only tank, 5 synos, would he be ok in there?

75 gal
sand substrate
eheim ecco 2236 and rena filstar XP3
driftwood plants rocks slate pvc

a 0
ni 0
na 5 ppm
ph 7.4
temp 78-80 (its very hot here in the summer)
50% water change once a week.

my synos have been in there since nov maybe of 07? maybe december? they are all approx 6-8 inches long if I had to guess.

is it a bad idea? I just feel so sorry for him in the tank all still and sad. But if it's a bad idea I won't do it.
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by MatsP »

As long as your nitrate level after additions stays in control [lower than 20 ppm or so], I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work.

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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by andywoolloo »

thank you. How would I get him home? Cause no way are they putting him in a bag, I saw them put a HUGE Oscar in a bag and it freaked me out!

And if I brought a cooler, there is no way they could give me enough water to cover him? Could they? And then once he is home? Oh my goodness, how woudl I get him into the tank? I know about acclaimating and all but the actual into the tank?

:?: He is big.
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by MatsP »

Transporting big fish is sometimes I a bit of an issue, indeed. A suitable size cooler [1] or bucket is probably best. Make sure you have some way to cover it, as it's surprising how a large fish can jump even with no "run up".

Surely the fish is in a tank where a couple of gallons of missing water wouldn't make that much of a loss? You only need enough water to actually

It'll also be a fun task catching the fish, I promise. Best way is probably a suitable cave that you can block both ends with your hands [you can of course let the shop worry about that, but they may not know better either].

[1] You do not want a 50 gallon cooler of the type with wheels that you'd have if you took 6 of your biggest beerswilling friends for a tail-gating party at the local [American] football game. A small one that is just big enough to hold the fish itself is fine.

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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by Richard B »

As long as there is enough caves & territory it should be ok.

When transporting fish, as long as it is covered with water it'll be ok - people see fish in bags & wonder why there is so little water - it is a sealed bag & the fish need some air so it can keep to water oxgenated for the limited time it is in a sealed container - in this case a bucket would be best.

When you get it home to acclimatise it siphon a little water from the tank into the bucket, give it 5 mins & then add a little more, after half an hour the water mix should be ok. Then i would firmly but carefully grab the fish & whip him into the tank or if you can carefully tip the bucket contents straight in to the tank. Bigger fish can handle this more drastic introduction to tanks & in some ways reduces stress, like puncturing bags, getting tangled in nets etc.

If you can you could add some floating plant to the transport bucket as this helps keep it dark & helps reduce water movement - helping to keep the fish calm.
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by MatsP »

I use a small tube/hose (air-hose) to drip in water from my tank into a bucket when introducing new fish to my tank. I just tie the air-hose to one of the cross-bars on the top of the tank with a bit if it sticking into the tank, and then let it siphon into the bucket - if it flows too quickly, I'll tie a knot on the hose to restrict it a bit [or you can use a screw-valve for air-hoses if you have one lying about].

Just make sure you don't just leave it there "forever", because you may end up with a very wet floor - don't ask how I figured that out ;)

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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by Chrysichthys »

MatsP wrote:It'll also be a fun task catching the fish, I promise. Best way is probably a suitable cave that you can block both ends with your hands [you can of course let the shop worry about that, but they may not know better either].
Probably the worst option is to use a net because they tend to get stuck in nets. I have large plecos, and If I need to move them I catch them by hand. What you do is gently but firmly grasp the pleco behind the head, keeping the pectoral fins folded back. Support the body of the fish with your other hand, with your fingers around the bottom and your thumb on top, and lift it from the water. It will struggle a bit, so keep a gentle but firm grip. Don't get nervous and drop it on the floor! Put it into the waiting bucket or cooler or whatever. Job done. :thumbsup:

Now I know not everybody is going to be willing to do this, possibly including you, but there may be somebody at the LFS who is used to catching plecos by hand.
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by MatsP »

Chrysichthys wrote:
MatsP wrote:It'll also be a fun task catching the fish, I promise. Best way is probably a suitable cave that you can block both ends with your hands [you can of course let the shop worry about that, but they may not know better either].
Probably the worst option is to use a net because they tend to get stuck in nets. I have large pl*cos, and If I need to move them I catch them by hand. What you do is gently but firmly grasp the pl*co behind the head, keeping the pectoral fins folded back. Support the body of the fish with your other hand, with your fingers around the bottom and your thumb on top, and lift it from the water. It will struggle a bit, so keep a gentle but firm grip. Don't get nervous and drop it on the floor! Put it into the waiting bucket or cooler or whatever. Job done. :thumbsup:

Now I know not everybody is going to be willing to do this, possibly including you, but there may be somebody at the LFS who is used to catching pl*cos by hand.

Sure, if the tank is empty enough that you can corner the fish with your hands, that works fine. I usually use that method for bristlenoses when I take them from the net. Even that that size, they are masters at getting stuck in the net, and trying to "flip the net upside down" is not the best way to get them out. Bigger plecos can also tear holes in nets!

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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by Bas Pels »

Bofore I dared taking plecos in my hand, I used boxes at approx the fish size

Worked as well, but I had to corner the fish indeed. No I just need to grab it (I've quite often pulled them out of a cave) 8)
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by Chrysichthys »

You can use a toy rubber shark to practice on. I'm not joking, I actually thought of trying that, although I didn't in the end. I cringe at the thought of nets, after my big gibbiceps got stuck in one by the odontodes.

Larger plecos are actually easier to catch than small ones, whatever method you use, because they're slow and cumbersome in comparison.
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by MatsP »

Chrysichthys wrote:Larger pl*cos are actually easier to catch than small ones, whatever method you use, because they're slow and cumbersome in comparison.
Not to mention that they need a bigger hiding place, so there are fewer possible option when your tank looks like a mix of big swiss cheese and a tip of leftover wood.

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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by andywoolloo »

thanks everyone. I have the drip acclimation down it's just the from bucket or cooler to the tank that scares me.

My 3 inch King tiger was wicked strong when he jumped out of his cup as I was adding more tank water and he stuck to the sink and he was hard and tough and very sucky so I am a bit nervous re the 12 inch snow king.

also do I wear gloves when I pick him up to put him in the tank?

So far I like the pvc pipe in the cooler with him and if he gets in picking that up and holding hands on both ends.
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by Richard B »

Whatever you decide, just remember this, you are doing it for the health & well-being of the fish - i've seen people drop big fish 'cos they were scared & didn't hold them firmly Then regretted not doing a better job :(
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by andywoolloo »

I wish they would deliver him, I am getting very nervous. :( If I do get him I promise to hold onto him tight no matter what.

maybe I can just pick up his cooler and slowly dump him in when he is done acclimating. Maybe gloves will be good.
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by MatsP »

I would certainly "pour" the fish from the bucket/cooler - it is much easier than to try to grab it out of the bucket. If your tank is high up (or you are not very tall), you may find it easier to stand on a step.

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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by andywoolloo »

yes, :oops: i meant pour.
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by Chrysichthys »

andywoolloo wrote:also do I wear gloves when I pick him up to put him in the tank?
You could wear yellow kitchen gloves.
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by andywoolloo »

I just wasn't sure if I'd get poked or not, I have never really felt a pl*co.

Upon further reflection and seeing how fast my own common is growing, he was 2 inches a month ago and now he is 4, I think I will just wait until he is big enough for the syno tank.

right now he is in the 50 breeder with the 2 king tigers. so I guess I have my own little future dinosaur to worry about. :oops:

you cannot save them all right? but he is beautiful. the snow king.

thank you for all the advice, plus truth be told I am quite nervous on getting him from the store to the tank.

If I had him in the syno tank, the snow king, it probably would mean my own little common couldn't go in one day right?
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by andywoolloo »

figured I would just add on to this old post of mine.

my common is probably 6 inches long now , head to end of tail. He is a beautiful dark colour.

Anyway, I was going to move him today into the 75 but of course cannot get him. I think I am a bit afraid he will poke me. He lets me touch him but as soon as I get anything close to him to catch him in he jams. And I do not want to stress him out too much. I should just go buy gloves and pick him up since he seems more likely to let me do it that way.

I have a huge net, very very fine mesh that I might be able to get him in against the glass if I take out all driftwood. Or a have a plastic colander (just for fish) that I could snab him with. But again I 'd have to remove half the furniture.

Do you think he can stay in the 50 gal breeder longer or should I just do it. Just snab him and be done with it? Sorry I am such a girl. :oops:
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by andywoolloo »

I am getting a toy shark tomorrow to practice on. one hand under fins back, thumb on head, right?
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by Mazrim Taim »

The one thing I would definitely NOT do is dump the water from the lfs into your tank.
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by andywoolloo »

oh no def not. I am no longer getting the snow king, he is gone from the store. I am talking now of moving my own pardalis common from the 50 to the 75. He is about 6 inches now. He crawls on my hand and arm when I feed him but something about picking him up... I just kind of do not think he'd go for that too calmly.
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by andywoolloo »

I moved him and didn't drop him or anything. :D He is now in the 75. Unknown how happy he is or not. He is stuck to a piece of dritwood. The synos are oblivious to him, seemingly. I will keep an eye out.

I just used a plastic colander and my hand with a glove on and coaxed him into the colander and scooped him up and into a bucket with his tank water in it, then i slowly added some of the 75 gal tank water into that bucket then I slowly poured him into the syno tank. At first he swam all over then he stuck to the back wall and then he went under some driftwood then into a piece of pvc then onto some other driftwood.
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by Richard B »

Sounds like a minimum strress move - well done! :thumbsup:

No doubt after a while he'll fully settle & be happy as anything. :D
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by andywoolloo »

:D thanks!

this morning he is eating veggie rounds and swishing his top fin! I think he is ok!
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Re: adding snow king pl*co to syno only tank?

Post by andywoolloo »

today all is well, he is eating and swimming and seems fine!

thanks you guys for all your help and advice!!

I think it's so cool that he goes where ever he wants and the synos let him!! he goes in all their areas and they do not seem to mind. I felt one of his fins and it is very scratchy and rough. :D
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