
All posts regarding the care and breeding of catfishes from Africa.
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Post by rhino-force »

Hi there
I'm very new to the african cichlid and catfish seen, but have have american cichlids in the past. I've just set up my first malawi tank (350L juwel trigon). I have only put my bottom feeders in so far. I have various types of synodontis, however my favourite are the petricolors. Does any have any good advice on breeding these as i'd love to have ago. I hear that the females tend to be bigger and more chunky in synodontis breeds, is this the same with the petricolors?

Many Thanks
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Re: Petricolor

Post by Birger »

Does any have any good advice on breeding these
Best thing would be to use the search feature on the above right, there is tons of information on both and in the forum(look up both as it is likely you have lucipinnis)...then you are most welcome to come back with any questions you may have.
I've just set up my first malawi tank (350L juwel trigon). I have only put my bottom feeders in so far.
Keeping in mind these are not Malawi Catfish, the only Malawi Synodontis is the
So far it sounds like a Tanganyikan tank which can be equally as nice.

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