ancistrus cf. hoplogenys

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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ancistrus cf. hoplogenys

Post by general-sherman »

what would you describe as the "ideal" set-up for breeding these?
Meanwhile, Homer catches a legendary catfish, General Sherman, but to prove his love for Marge he throws it back in the lake...
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Post by Yann »


Ancistrus hoplogenys comes from Black Water...
Fine sand, driftwood, a few to no plants...
Soft water, low PH!
Peat extract...
Dim light!
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Post by MollyMan »

...I have a pair of Hoplogenys (only 2" - 5cm) one of which is definetly a male, the other hoping will be the opposite :wink: . What would be the ideal tank size to breed in, and also to keep in, as I wish to seperate them from my slightly larger regular Bristlenose pair...

Basically what I want is a species only tank set up to replicate the ideal conditions for this type of Ancistrus...

Thanks and sorry for cutting in on the thread
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Post by clint8 »

Hi Yann,

How low is low for the ph?? Just curious.

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