I resisted ALL temptations & there were a lot!
In terms of synos, if i can remember: alberti, angelicus, aterrimus, (B) batensoda, brichardi, budgetti, camelopardalis, congicus, contractus, decorus, eupterus, flavitaeniatus, possible galinae (if this is a genuine specie), grandiops, greshoffi, helenae (man made variety, labelled custard cats), lucipinnis, multipunctatus, nigrita, nigriventris, nigriventris sp zebra kutu, notatus, nummifer, ocellifer, petricola, pleurops, polli, robbianus, schoutedeni, waterloti, several grey/brown spotted species which were genuine but i couldn't identify off hand, & at least 9 different hybrid strains.................
I was going to give you a call but had a flat battery as there were some really good pleurops at 9.99 2-3" which some of them were very well marked.