
All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Post by NewFishKeeper »

Sat here minding my own business reading forums when i saw all of my zebra danios in one corner, Oohh whats up with them? So i go to the tank and wow! Cory eggs all over the glass!!!! And shes still full of them by the look of her! Quite excited its my first look at eggs :) I know they wont survive as the danios are feasting but thats fine too we never intended to spwan its just lovely that its happened!!

If i do want them to survive what the hell do i do?!
Bas Pels
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Re: Eggs!

Post by Bas Pels »

take the eggs out for a starter

You could place a shaving knive on the glass and thus cut them loose

then remouve the eggs with tankwater (I'd keep them submerged) into a smaller tank

After they hatch you can feed them, et cetera
cats have whiskers
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