I dropped him back in the bag, he was the only one left. I looked at my finger and I couldn't believe one of my fish stung me. It hurts more when you don't expect that this little cute adorable thing tried to eat your finger off. But I forgave him, or her. But damn it hurt, like it got white under the skin, but after 2 days it was alright.
I thought I hallucinated also haha!
I think I'll buy four more of them and keep 8, they're just to awesome! and they're ALWAYS together, when one is a alone he panicks, turns on himself for a few seconds and rushes to meet the others.
Here, MORE PICS!!! They're hard to snap a picture off, they're way too hyper-active on crack. On 50 pictures only like 5 are good.
When I was feeding them, one cam near my hand, so I put it in the water and he climbed on me, then he crapped on my hand and left.
Direct link:
http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t17/ ... 15copy.jpg
Direct link:
http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t17/ ... 322214.jpg
Direct link:
http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t17/ ... 322219.jpg
Direct link:
http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t17/ ... 322223.jpg
http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t17/ ... 322217.jpg
Direct link:
http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t17/ ... 322218.jpg
PS. This is a sad day today, I just discovered my male Betta has died. No wounds, no parasites, he was in perfect condition with excellent water, (He wasn't attacked either, he had his own big 10 gallon tank since about a month). I will miss him. ![Image](http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t17/kKreuz/My%20fish/P5140028.jpg)
VIOLENCE- Keine Liebe.