is it truely Corydoras nanus?

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is it truely Corydoras nanus?

Post by miq »

hello, last year i bought this fish at an sale of a aquariumclub as corydoras nanus, but I just want to be sure if it is this species or napoensis, because my first off spring is big enough to be sold, and i do want to sell the young under the right name

this is one of the fish
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Re: is it truely Corydoras nanus?

Post by Plecofanatic1989 »

I believe this is C. napoensis. Sorry... :( . I'm going off the very high contrast between the gold and black. The shade of gold doesn't quite match either. Here's mine. There's a C. napoensis right behind him!
EDIT: actually after looking at your picture again, compared to mine, I don't think it's C. napoensis either. I'm not sure what he is. Very, very pretty fish!
nanus 003a.jpg
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Re: is it truely Corydoras nanus?

Post by rahendricks »

I have a very similar group that were sold to me as C. elegans. I was leaning more towards napoensis as well, but, I'm no expert, and I think that's what it takes to definitively identify members of the elegans group. I believe there is a lot of variance within the species, especially C. elegans. Because many in the group are so similar I often wonder if there are naturally hybrids.
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Re: is it truely Corydoras nanus?

Post by Coryman »

There is no little amount of confusion with many species within the "elegans" group and the fish you have is almost certainly C. bilineatus. C. nanus is a very seldom seen species from Suriname, which looks similar in pattern to C. elegans, but has an extra thin body stripe and is much slimmer in body shape.

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