Is this a L333??

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Is this a L333??

Post by clint8 »

Hi ppl's,

Just added another picture as this clearer as to which Hypa it is??

Just wanted to confirm if this is a L333?? Size is about 10cm.

Thanks in advance for your help too.

Last edited by clint8 on 06 Aug 2008, 07:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is this a L333??

Post by DutchFry »

I guess we need a better picture to ID this one properly!
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Re: Is this a L333??

Post by apistomaster »

I will try to name that tune with one note, L333 adolescent blank and white morph.
Reminded me of these when they were smaller and hiding in the shadows. Alas, they met an untimely end.
If you have never kept them before, you should try Chilodus punctatus, Spotted Headstander, at least once. A great fish for a peaceful planted tank.
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Re: Is this a L333??

Post by Jon »

Larry's fish looks like L-401, and the originally posted fish looks like L-66.
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Re: Is this a L333??

Post by apistomaster »

Jon wrote:Larry's fish looks like L-401, and the originally posted fish looks like L-66.
Dam* Jon, That ruined my day. I had 12 of these and lost all of them and my 2 most reliable pairs of Red Turquoise Discus last Spring. I was re-doing one wall of my fish room and put them in a plastic garbage can while taking down the old wood and cinder block stand and replaced it with a steel stand that holds 6-40 gal breeder tanks. I always thought they were nice but assumed they were the black and white type of L333.
They were all full grown and I was hoping to set them up for a breeding attempt in a couple of the 40's. They were more crisply black and white when I bought them as 2-1/2 inches, L333'S and darkened as they matured. The were a nice pleco. Barely 4 inches, TL. I had them for 2 years and they could have become young breeders. The garbage can had been used safely to hold RO water but got used for garbage by some friends helping me clean and I did not get a chance to tell them it was for fish use only.
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Re: Is this a L333??

Post by clint8 »

Thanks for that Jon... :)

So you sure its L401.... :P

Well guess i've been calling them the wrong catty for a while now!!!!lol

Any other's who have kept/keeping the similar hypa to the the one in my pic to concur its L401??

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Re: Is this a L333??

Post by NewFishKeeper »

Clint read the reply again, he says your fish (originally posted fish) looks like 1066 whereas Larry fish pic looks like L401
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Re: Is this a L333??

Post by clint8 »

My bad new fish keeper..., i also have a colony of L066 but they don't look anything like these ones!!! i'm confused!!!! :?
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Re: Is this a L333??

Post by NewFishKeeper »

If it helps at all i have almost the same fish as you ( certainly looks the same) And it was sold as a King Tiger Pl*co, i was also unsure about it and am still unsure, sadly i cnt get a pic at present, i think we need to wait till these fish grow some more and repost? Id love an id on yours as i want to know what mine is!!

Id stick with L066 atm clint, have a closer look at the catelog, there seems to be a few with out patterning
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Re: Is this a L333??

Post by clint8 »


Well mine are fully grown adults, they are actually breeding at the moment. I have a trio, think 2 males 1 female (not sure). Size like i said about 10-12cm.

So i guess these are what they are so if i do get more positive id's, it would be great. If they are L66 so be it..:)

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Re: Is this a L333??

Post by clint8 »

So ne one else would like to share their opinion here.... :D on what these hypa's really are??

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