Slate caves for LDA01.

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Slate caves for LDA01.

Post by Bigpig »

I am planning to build some slate caves for my LDA01 gold stripe tigers.
I am thinking that 1" tall, by 1.5" high, by 5" long would be a good size. (thats 2.5 x 4 x 12.5 cm aprox).
Have any of you experience of this speices?
Does this seem a good size/shape for them?
Any advise on this would be great.
I have read thru the info on PC, and will be getting them some bogwood with holes drilled in it, (as per CoM article). But I am expecting that the right piece of wood might take a bit of time to find.
The slate caves will be for them until then.

happy days,
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Re: Slate caves for LDA01.

Post by MatsP »

You may find that they are a little more inclined to live in wood/bamboo caves than in rock caves.

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Re: Slate caves for LDA01.

Post by Bigpig »

Thanks for that reply Mat,
I have considered using bamboo as I have heard they like it, and that the fry feed off the inside of the bamboo before becoming free swimming(?).
I am a bit concerned that bamboo will rot in the tank. Have you used bamboo yourself?
I will get some and put it in a bucket to soak, and see what happens.
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Re: Slate caves for LDA01.

Post by MatsP »

Yes, I have several bamboo pieces in various tanks - it rots eventually, but it lasts for several months or years depending on how thick it is and what fish you keep in with it. The first part to go is the segment barrier between two segments of bamboo.

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