Finally found some C. Panda in my area!

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Finally found some C. Panda in my area!

Post by NewFishKeeper »

No pictures sadly (camera is totally rubbish!)

Managed to grab 7 of these adorable little fish today, happily racing around the tank cleaning my gravel, id forgotten how good they are at cleaning! :lol:

no real point to this message other than im chuffed to bits with these little guys and felt the need to share :)
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Re: Finally found some C. Panda in my area!

Post by Atlantis Child »

Pandas used to be more popular around here, but now it's hard to get them in. Last time they were I got one, and he was double the usual price. Have a hard time ignoring when pretty and different from the regular corys come in at the store I don't have. Trying to ignore the pair of Julii Cats that came in friday, but I think I might be losing on that front...

My first two catfish were a panda named Bandit, and a peppered named Chewy. I'd often see them relaxing side by side on some "viewing spot" in the tank. They weren't shy at all, and made the cutest little couple. Well, they weren't too little. Both were big compared to others their species.

I still have my peppered, but my panda didn't make it. I do have one now though. A little one named Mouse. Follows that peppered around with the other, younger peppered. Dunno why pandas like to be with peppereds. Likes to hang with the albinos too, but that one I can kinda see the similarities in.

- Atlantis
My corys: 2 green gold, 3 peppered, 1 metae, 1 san juan, 1 elegans, 3 habrosus.

......When Corys rule the world you better hope yours' remembers all those bloodworms you gave him!!!
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Re: Finally found some C. Panda in my area!

Post by NewFishKeeper »

Oh i noticed tehy like the albino too :) I have just the one atm hes from an old bacth that i lost a while ago, hardy little sucker he is, he went crazy when i added the pandas in their little baggie!!

Nice to see him active again though

I wouldnt hold out on the Jullis either id have got them straight away good luck to not getting them :lol:
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Re: Finally found some C. Panda in my area!

Post by Atlantis Child »

I wouldnt hold out on the Jullis either id have got them straight away good luck to not getting them
I couldn't resist!!! They were "winking" at me all week. :D No fair.

Today was my last day working at the petstore, and we not only got in more Juliis, but San Juan and "Skunk" catfish. We got the skunks insted of the pandas becuase it seems someone from where we get them from doesn't know their catfish. :roll: Happen luck though.

We've never had either San Juans or skunks before. Never been on the order form. Juliis, very, very not often.

So what's a girl to do when confronted with 3 cool cat species all at once...?

Uh... the 2 Julii, 2 Skunk, and 1 San Juan. I like to get them in pairs. A male and a female if possible. Easier to be able to distinguish one from another that way. The Juliis and Skunk are a good size already, and have very nice color and markings. The Skunks have a nice shimmer to their "white."

The San Juan is a cute and pretty little guy.

- Atlantis
My corys: 2 green gold, 3 peppered, 1 metae, 1 san juan, 1 elegans, 3 habrosus.

......When Corys rule the world you better hope yours' remembers all those bloodworms you gave him!!!
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Re: Finally found some C. Panda in my area!

Post by NewFishKeeper »

Oh dear!! :lol:
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Re: Finally found some C. Panda in my area!

Post by jar »

The first time I ended up with 16 corydoras in one tank, their behaviour was amazing! Even now as I write they are swimming up and down the tank at full speed in a full group of 16!

I now never keep less than 8 in a group, unless it is a particularly rare species that you can only find a few at a time.
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Re: Finally found some C. Panda in my area!

Post by Carp37 »

I've got 13 Brochis splendens in my 4' tank (3 adults I bought almost exactly a year ago, plus 10 progeny from eggs laid when they were still in quarantine), and they're pretty amazing when they come after food. Like most of my corys, they spend most of the day just sitting companionably in a big group, but as soon as they sense food about they start up like manic clockwork toys. There are also 6 hoplos in there I'm growing out, so the bottom of the tank is pretty full!
Megalechis thoracata, Callichthys callichthys, Brochis splendens (and progeny), Corydoras sterbai, C. weitzmani, CW044 cf. pestai, CW021 cf. axelrodi, Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps, Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus (and progeny), Panaque maccus, Panaque nigrolineatus, Synodontis eupterus
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Re: Finally found some C. Panda in my area!

Post by NewFishKeeper »

They are all doing really well! they never stop moving, i will surely be adding more of these guys when i can find more (and have the cash!)
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