anyone from West Coast Canada other than me?

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anyone from West Coast Canada other than me?

Post by saylaveev »

hi there,

I'm frequently on the lookout for other fish keepers in my area. Just thought I would ask if any of you are from the west coast of canada (specifically Vancouver Island). I think its nice to have locals you can chat with.
Just one obsessed fish lover looking for more fish lovers.
Moderator at freshwater aquria forum.
My fishy friend include: 1 african butterfly, 4 silver dollars,3 rope fish, 2 raf cats, 2 bristlenose plecos, 1 royal pleco, 3 yellow labs, 3 acei's, and a blue crayfish.
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Post by Shane »

I am in Bogota, Colombia now, which may seem far from British Columbia, but I did my undergrad at WWU in Bellingham and spent lots of time during those years combing the fish stores of Vancouver. I noticed your posting on sand and you are in a great area to collect natural driftwood, rocks, and sand (although I agree with Heok Hee that you should avoid sand from the ocean). You are also blessed with fantastic water and I have never lived anywhere since the Pacific Northwest that had such great water (and yes, that includes South America). Best of luck,
"My journey is at an end and the tale is told. The reader who has followed so faithfully and so far, they have the right to ask, what do I bring back? It can be summed up in three words. Concentrate upon Uganda."
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out west
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Post by out west »

We are located on Vancouver Island, we dont really keep catfish (we were passed along by a friend who does) but we do love our tanks, I think we have 6 right now, Ill PM you with our e-mail ..... always nice to met others who love the hobby....
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Post by saylaveev »


that's a little bit out of the way over there in columbia,what do you do there? I am exciting about getting around to using some wood (any kinds to avoid?) and I think I'll just feel safer getting play sand from home depot than just regular sand from the beach.I'm not even sure if I'm going to try sand yet.

Out West:

Send me a message and maybe we can chat. Where abouts are you?
Just one obsessed fish lover looking for more fish lovers.
Moderator at freshwater aquria forum.
My fishy friend include: 1 african butterfly, 4 silver dollars,3 rope fish, 2 raf cats, 2 bristlenose plecos, 1 royal pleco, 3 yellow labs, 3 acei's, and a blue crayfish.
Sadly missing, Spot, dearly departed 7" ghost knife
out west
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Post by out west »

Hi again :D , I sent you a pm that has my e-mail address..... check your new messages :wink: , and we are located in Victoria, but we both grew up in the Parksville Qualicum area, and visit there all the time...... drop me a line and we should chat!!
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Post by Toirtis »

Well, although born in Victoria, and raised in Vancouver, I am now in Calgary, Alberta....close enough? :wink:
G. A. Christian Bilou
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Post by saylaveev »

sure its close enough. Only people born here understand what it means to live here after all.

So what do you house in your tanks?
Just one obsessed fish lover looking for more fish lovers.
Moderator at freshwater aquria forum.
My fishy friend include: 1 african butterfly, 4 silver dollars,3 rope fish, 2 raf cats, 2 bristlenose plecos, 1 royal pleco, 3 yellow labs, 3 acei's, and a blue crayfish.
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Post by Toirtis »

saylaveev wrote:So what do you house in your tanks?
You dare ask?!? :lol: Well...

115 G - Four 16" & one 21" Polypterus ornatipinnis
- Two 5½" Platydoras costatus
- One 5" Orinocodoras eigenmanni

90 G - Two 16" Polypterus endlicheri congicus
- Three 3½" Tropheus moori

90 G - Four 10" Polypterus delhezi
- Four 10"-12" Polypterus senegalus senegalus
- Three 13" Polypterus palmas polli

90 G - Four 12"-14" Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri

75 G - Four 10" Polypterus s. senegalus
- Four 9" Polypterus ornatipinnis
- Six 3" Agamyxis pectinifrons
- Three 3½" Orinocodoras eigenmanni

65 G - Two 8" Polypterus s. senegalus
- Two 8" Polypterus retropinnis retropinnis
- One 7" Polypterus retropinnis lowei
- Two 3½" Agamyxis pectinifrons
- Two 3" Orinocodoras eigenmanni
- Four 3½" Playdoras costatus

65 G - Four 4" Pterophyllum altum
- Three 3" Agamyxis pectinifrons
- One 3½" Platydoras costatus

65 G - Six 12"-18" Erpetoichthys calabaricus
- Four 3½" Synodontis multipunctatus

40 G - Two 2½" Neolamprologus brichardi
- Two 2½" Neolamprologus daffodili
- Three 2½" Julidochromis transcriptus 'gombi'
- Four 1½" Corydoras aeneus
- Four 1½" Corydoras Trilineatus
- Three 3½" Synodontis multipunctatus

30 G (square) - Twelve 4" Bunocephalus coracoideus

15 G - Six 2" Corydoras sterbai

15 G - Six 1½" Corydoras elegans

15 G - Six 2" Corydoras schwartzi

15 G - Six 1½" Corydoras julii

15 G - Six 2" Corydoras barbatus

15 G - Two L034 'medusa head'

10 G - Four Corydoras gossei (as of next Tuesday)

10 G - 4 Corydoras duplicareus (as of next Tuesday)

10 G - Four 1" Corydoras panda
- Three 2" Ancistris temmincki

5 G - Four 2" Orinocodoras eigenmanni

5 G - Three 2" Acanthodoras spinosissimus

Five more 15 G with assorted small cats.

Three 275 tanks under construction.
G. A. Christian Bilou
Polypterid and Doradid Fanatic
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Post by saylaveev »

My god that's outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its like my dream house (tanks that is... fish wise there's a few missing in your collection that I would add that aren't catfish)

Someday I will have something like that.
Actually when I own my own place, I want to custom build a tank in my basement that's about 5000gallons.

I want to swim with my fish.
Just one obsessed fish lover looking for more fish lovers.
Moderator at freshwater aquria forum.
My fishy friend include: 1 african butterfly, 4 silver dollars,3 rope fish, 2 raf cats, 2 bristlenose plecos, 1 royal pleco, 3 yellow labs, 3 acei's, and a blue crayfish.
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Post by Toirtis »

Heh...I am just getting started, really... :lol: Actually, there are about 5 more Doradids, 15 more Corydoras, 2 more Bunocephalus, and about 15 Loricariidae at present that I would like to have, plus another 5 Polypterid species, and about 7 assorted other species that I am working towards. I will probably need a new house fisrt, as I am rapdly running out of room to put tanks.
G. A. Christian Bilou
Polypterid and Doradid Fanatic
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From Langley BC here.

Post by Mz_Stuffff »

I have 2 tanks.

One is my 8 year old sons 10 gallon with a female and male swordtail pair, 1 albino and 1 julii corry. This tank has an aquaclear mini.

My other tanks is a 50 gallon tank.

I have 2 mated pairs of kribensis, 13 harlequin rasbora hexs, a mustard spotted pleco, 2 albino corys, 2 julii corys, and 2 blood parrots. This tank has an Eheim external filter.

I've had my tanks for years and love my babies!
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Post by Mz_Stuffff »

P.s. in case it didn't show up in my title/subject, I'm from Langley BC!

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