vibrating airlines?

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vibrating airlines?

Post by doodle »

Do you guys have issues with airline vibrating against the back of the tank?

How do you stop it, by shortening the air line?

I am curious as the whether to get 2x pumps instead of 1 and see if that helps. The noise dissapates briefly if i am pull the airline briefly.

Or is there a way to stop the pump from making to much noise? What do yours stand on? Mine is on the carpet behind the tanl at the moment feeding each end of the tank. The airlines have check valves in etc.


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Re: vibrating airlines?

Post by drpleco »

Maybe wrap a cotton ball around the airline at the points it contacts the tank? It'll vibrate as long as the pump is running, but with some cusion, it won't make any noise.

Also check the air filter on the pump to make sure the pump isnt overworking and vibrating more than usual.
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Re: vibrating airlines?

Post by doodle »

I may just resort to cotton wool! :D
I will check the pump but i hope it won't be overworked as its brand new. But i have known similar newbies to go wrong
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Re: vibrating airlines?

Post by pLaurent1251 »

I just got the Whisper air pump awhile ago, and I find it to be totally silent!

You can check out what I mean here: ... 1215963852
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Re: vibrating airlines?

Post by MatsP »

They are sold in the UK under a TetraTec name, but I agree with pLaurent - they are good and silent. Of course, air-lines will sometimes still vibrate a bit. Using silicon based airline instead of the more common PVC variety (PVC is usually "clear", whilst the silcon ones are usually cloudy green colour) may also help a bit, since the silicon hose is stays softer.

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