sp black spawning

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sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Today my sp black have started to spawn for the third time.





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Re: sp black spawning

Post by kim m »

Mine are spawning today also :)

...but eating the eggs as fast as they can lay them :roll:
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Mine ain`t touching them, there are hundreds of eggs there now. This is just one corner of the tank :D

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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Bas Pels »

I really like this picture

it shows how big the eggs are, but also a lot of innocence - the guppy does, after all, not feed on them eggs, but he's only looking at them - curiously
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by bronzefry »

How many eggs did she have in her ventral pouch there? My goodness. I know C.aeneus types load them in, but that's unreal. 8)
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

I don't know how many eggs, but it`s a lot. I would estimate, that there are over 500-600 eggs there now. They have been at it all day, thy even used the moss now.
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Here is a youngster from the previous spawn. I also got a lot of eggs that time, but find them somewhat difficult to hatch.
But ones they have hatched, they are quit easy to bring up, and they grow fast.
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by NEONCORY »

Congratulation Birger,

I can't wait my group to grow up. Like 2 weeks ago, I finally found some for reasonable price and decide to get them since they have been on my want list for long time. :thumbsup:
They are still like 1" but the person I got them from told me that they should breed in 4~6 months. I guess I have to wait and see.

And thanks for the pictures. I can't believe how similar they breed to the C.Melanotaenia. I am no scientist nor the Cory expert but I always thought that they might be really close. And now looking at your pictures and their egg size and the number of eggs they carry and the way they stack up them and their preferred deposit location.,etc.

Anyway, thanks for the pictures. And can I ask one more thing? Is it possible if you can post some info of the water parameter and the tank set up. I would be appreciate.
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Thanks for that Neoncory. The tank is 10.5 gallon, temp is 77F and Ph 6,5. There is a thin layer of smooth grain sand, a little piece of mangrove root and some java moss.

I used to run a air driven sponge filter in the tank, but there was no activity on the corys. Then I decided to try an put in a internal filter, that gave some flow in the tank.
And it certainly gave result, since this being the third spawn since February.
That is my setup, sure that others use something else :D
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

I thought they were done yesterday, but believe it or not, they started again this morning. I have three huge females in the group, so must be a lot of eggs to deposit :)
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by jac »

Hi Birger,

Great pictures :thumbsup:
Are you planning to hatch the whole bunch of eggs? Thats a lot of little cory's to come than :D

Good luck anyway 8)

Bye Jacqueline
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Hi Jacqueline.

I`l try and hatch as many as i can, there is a good demand for them here in Norway.

Looks like a lot of them are fertile as well. This is just a small amount of them :)
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

They were quite eager when laying the eggs, so some attached to this female :)
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by andywoolloo »

great pics! congrats! that's a very handsome type of cory! I have never seen them around here.
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Thanks :) They have become quite obtainable on the market now I believe. This is a "man made" cory though. They were bread from Corydoras schultzei
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

I`l be glad if just half of these hatch :D

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Re: sp black spawning

Post by NEONCORY »

Birger Amundsen wrote:Thanks for that Neoncory. The tank is 10.5 gallon, temp is 77F and Ph 6,5. There is a thin layer of smooth grain sand, a little piece of mangrove root and some java moss.

I used to run a air driven sponge filter in the tank, but there was no activity on the corys. Then I decided to try an put in a internal filter, that gave some flow in the tank.
And it certainly gave result, since this being the third spawn since February.
That is my setup, sure that others use something else :D
Thanks for the info Birger,

It is always nice to hear how other people are keeping the certain Cory especially from the person who is doing well. I have my little guys and girls(I hope) in 10G and around 78F since the person I got them from told me that is the temp he keeps. And I think my tap water is around 7.4PH but by the time mixed in the tank, it goes down to 6.8~7ph. And I have some sands, some plants and driftwood. And they have the powerhead with sponge.
I found most Cory if not all really like the brisk water movement. After all most Cory does deposit most eggs in near the water movement. And I think I have at least 1 powerhead in all the tank that have breeding group of Corys.

And I got like 400~500 eggs from the Melanotaenia but I really don't know what to do with. Since I have pretty much all the fry tank is filled with other Corys. But they laid eggs so easy to collect, they bunch up in near the water movement and near surface instead of some of the other Corys I have to look each eggs all over the tank. I just wish these are Black eggs instead. Then I would make room for sure.
And I don't know about the Black but I did count the egg number that C.Melanotaenia carrry in her ventral fin pouch once. Since she was pasting the eggs on front glass. She did carry around 20~25 eggs with her fins.

Anyway, keep up the good work. They are still very popular Cory and I don't see them in local store. And I had to buy online and ship them in. But they are nice active Corys. It seems they always digging sands for the food. :D I can't wait for them to grow up and start making eggs.
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Hatching started to day. I\l post some picks later.
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by loachy_406 »

I hope they survive, baby corys are so cute :D Can't wait to see the little wigglers :lol:
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by bronzefry »

Birger Amundsen wrote:They were quite eager when laying the eggs, so some attached to this female :)
The first time I saw that happen I thought it was some horrible disease. I didn't realize it was eggs until I saw another Corydoras sp. trying to eat them.
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Hehe, just some eggs Amanda :D
Here are some newly hatched sp black.
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by loachy_406 »

Great job! Now you just got to raise them :lol:
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Thanks for that. Managed to raise 15 from the previous spawn.
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by bronzefry »

Fabulous! :D
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Here we go again :D Found this in the tank just now.
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Everybody is in on the "fun" :D
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Got a decent hatch this time. :D
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by boyneburn »

Things are looking good Birger. :thumbsup:
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by OldMan »

It's looking good Birger. I can see at least 30 in one picture so there must be more. They look like they are growing nicely.
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Re: sp black spawning

Post by Richard B »

Nice one Birger - they're looking really good :ohyeah:
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