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Dave Rinaldo
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Post by Dave Rinaldo »


I see 'yellow flags' notifying of new posts in the topic headings, but after I read the first and return to the main page of the forum, the other 'flags' have gone white.

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Post by Yann »

Well that was happening to me with the alpha version of the forum but not with the beta!
Here it works without a problem!
Don't Give Up, Don't Ever Give Up!
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Post by smilingSyno »

*agrees with yannfulliquet*
That's one reason why I like this new forum better.
Hmm... does the "view new posts since last visit" button work?
Check your browser settings... you need to have cookies enabled.
Don't know what else could cause that problem...
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Post by Rusty »

You may have aproblem like this if you log in from, since the cookies come from Try logging on at and see if that fixes your problem.
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Post by Rusty »

:? I too am now getting this problem... I'll ask whay at
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Post by Rusty »

My problem arose because I had just edited index.php, and my browser had cached a copy. A force reload (normally shift+reload) cleared thing up.
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