Am I a L104?

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Am I a L104?

Post by Fishaliciousfish »

I bought some plants at the LFS today and got the fright of my life when I put the plants in the water and this little guy came shooting out of one of them...I have never had an L number before and have no experience with them at all...always time for a first :D I have been spending hours looking at L foto's and think it may be the L104 ... I am just looking for confirmation from a pro :thumbsup:


Will he eat my plants? <looks at her heavy planted tank in fear :?: > LOL
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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by Fishaliciousfish »

Nobody?? :? Would more foto's help?
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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by Fishaliciousfish »


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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by aledk85 »

yes :D i think that is a panaque maccus l104 just like my
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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by Joren56 »

aledk85 wrote:yes :D i think that is a panaque maccus l104 just like my
I personally don't agree with this , I bet on L002 , L169 or L397 but wich of those 3 it exactly is , is something for the more experienced loraciidlovers on the forum.

Also if a P.maccus has stress-colors like this one it should be whole yellowish or the body would also be covered with big brown stripes if it is catch-stressed.
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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by aledk85 »

mmmmmmmmm....joren i think you'r right and if is it, i bet l397 but i'm not sure... :thumbsup: i agree with you about the stress but i don't know in this case,sometimes for stress one of my plecostomus sp. change color from gold in very red and really make me so confused for classified this species...
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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by pLaurent1251 »

I put the plants in the water and this little guy came shooting out of one of them
How lucky...the only thing I ever get in my plants is duckweed or snails. :roll:

His belly looks kinda hollow. I"m sure he'll appreciate a good feed.
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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by DutchFry »

you've got a

it prefers wood and additional vegetables like courgette, if you feed it well, it's not gonna eat your plants.
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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by Fishaliciousfish »

Wow confusing... different answers LOL Maybe when he/she fattens up a bit it will be easier :wink: As long as it is not a L169 seeing the size it can get :shock: :shock: Even though it is in a 600 Liter tank I think even that maybe too small for a L169.

From the answers I can see that every agree's it is a Panaque so at least I know what to feed it for sure. It has found a piece of wood which is it's fave place but which is luckily at the front of the tank so I can check on it's progress. I fed it algae tablets last night but will go out and get some courgette tomorrow.

If anyone can identify it for sure in the meantime that would be great :an: :an:
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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by aledk85 »

i feed my panaque with chips from novo pleco jbl and bloodworms also if i have a lot of wood in my tank,i think is the best solution for me....
but aniway panaque or not is very beauty
god luck :thumbsup:
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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by Fishaliciousfish »

I agree he does not look too healthy but these foto's were taken 5 minutes after it being released into the tank and before that it was wrapped up and bagged with some plants for about 1 hour and hardly any water.... there are 5 big pieces of wood in the tank (3 different types) so I hope he/she picks up soon. I will get more pics after it has gained some weight.
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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by racoll »

I would also say this fish is a nicely marked juvenile . The pattern on the head is consistent with this species, and not the other Panaque L numbers mentioned.
As long as it is not a L169 seeing the size it can get :shock: :shock: Even though it is in a 600 Liter tank I think even that maybe too small for a L169.
You must be confused. gets to 3-4 inches.

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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by Fishaliciousfish »

Thanks Racoll... can you tell I'm blonde and new to L numbers :?: hehehehehe

Thank you very much for the confirmation :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by MatsP »

I'd say too that it's likely you have , still in juvenile colouring. The only way to REALLY tell is to let it grow up a bit and ask again - some fish change more than others, and some of the fish listed aren't commonly seen as juveniles (becuase they are not bred in captivity). But from a "odds" perspective, P. maccus is a safe bet, the others are much more of a long-shot.

Like pLaurent, all I've ever got free with my plants are snails - and none of the nicer variety either.

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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by racoll »

Like pLaurent, all I've ever got free with my plants are snails - and none of the nicer variety either.
I once got a tiny common pleco "free" with some plants, but sadly not a nice little dwarf Panaque. :thumbsup:
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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by Carp37 »

Just get ready to do LOTS of gravel vacs... I've got 2 Panaque maccus, I never see them eat bogwood, but twice a week I do a gravel vac and the amount of wood waste they produce is scarcely credible for such small (2-2.3" SL) fish!
Megalechis thoracata, Callichthys callichthys, Brochis splendens (and progeny), Corydoras sterbai, C. weitzmani, CW044 cf. pestai, CW021 cf. axelrodi, Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps, Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus (and progeny), Panaque maccus, Panaque nigrolineatus, Synodontis eupterus
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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by Fishaliciousfish »

I have never seen the little guy eat any wood or even sit on it at all...he seems to be very keen on the algae on the backing wall and stones.. I have even put zuchinni in twice which he left untouched. Thanks for the tip though..will extra check the tank when cleaning this weekend.
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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by DutchFry »

i think you have a very young fish. in time he will eat more of the wood!
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Re: Am I a L104?

Post by aledk85 »

my panaque is very active and i can see that eat everything...maybe yours its just a different "personality" more frightened :?:
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