Flora-grow liquid from Colombo?

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Flora-grow liquid from Colombo?

Post by Ill »

I had a question about the product.

Is it harmfull if I add this to my tank?
It's mainly a catfish tank so i just wanted to know.
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Re: Flora-grow liquid from Colombo?

Post by MatsP »

As far as my 2 second Google can tell, it's a product intended for use in Aquariums, so I would expect it to be in the "nearly harmless" category. Is there any particular aspect you are worried about?

I haven't used Flora grow liquid, but i have used the Tetra and Interpet liquids, which are similar products. I have also used Tetra and Red Sea tablets. None of these have caused problems in my experience.

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Re: Flora-grow liquid from Colombo?

Post by Bas Pels »

Colombo generally is quite safe, the firm was raised by a vet specializing into fishes. Still, it's a firm, existing to make money first - and as long as no Colombo dispensers are seen in the wild, I rather not use is :wink:
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Re: Flora-grow liquid from Colombo?

Post by slakey »

I'm using API Leaf Zone got it yesterday :)
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