What Loricaria is this?

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What Loricaria is this?

Post by Ill »


I recently bought a Loricaria in a pet shop in a local big city.
The fish is a bit sandy from colour with dark bands on its body.
Has some nice whiskers and is eating very well.
But I can't seem to figure out what species this is.
So here is a picture and I hope you guys can help me with this one



http://www.mijnalbum.nl/GroteFoto-KQQCJDNF.jpg (i didnt do the img infront of the picture because it messes up the layout.
In the picture the stripings arent well coloured but you can make out where they start and stop and ussualy they are very dark in contrast to the rest of the body. He has 3 dark bands over his total lenght.
Hope this is sufficient enough for you to help me
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Re: What Loricaria is this?

Post by DutchFry »

if you ask me!

welcome to Planet Catfish Ilker! (en de groetjes) :D
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Re: What Loricaria is this?

Post by Janne »

I dont think it's a Spatuloricaria species, looks more like a Loricaria but difficult to make any id from this picture. Have a look here Loricaria and can't you find your species try to make some new picture to show us and we will try to help you better.

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Re: What Loricaria is this?

Post by Ill »

Here is picture 2 of the beast :P

As stated i already checked planetcatfish for the loricaria species ;)
When i couldn't find the info i asked here.

En groetjes terug ik denk dat je gelijk heb en dat het hem is :).
Im guessing its the fish DutchFry said it is.
When i look at the fish i can make out a identical mouth with the longer whiskers on both the sides. The eyes are identical but the fins are still not the same i guess because it hasnt fully matured yet.

But well i could be of.

Possible other one that could be him: http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/im ... ge_id=4818
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Re: What Loricaria is this?

Post by Ill »


No one?
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Re: What Loricaria is this?

Post by Janne »

The problem with Loricaria species is that some species have a large natural habitat or they are different species but difficult to tell apart, they share similar colouration and pictures needs to be of very good quality...sideview, belly and on their mouth helps a lot but even then they can be difficult to id if it's not a common species in the trade. There are several sp in the trade both from Peru and Brazil, they may have a scientic name but so far no one have succeeded to make a correct id, dont give up...just try to make really good pictures :wink:

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Re: What Loricaria is this?

Post by Ill »

ok i will update this post with pictures of the fish can it do the fish harm if i lift it out of the water for a quick picture?
It will never sit still swims a lot. And the whiskers are very large fort his size fish.
It seems to love the spirulina tabs.
It's head is getting pointier.
Maybe that says something?
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Re: What Loricaria is this?

Post by Janne »

It's fine to take it out of water a short while when you take the pictures...2 persons make it easier, but only for the mouth and belly pics and try to focus correctly so the pictures get sharp. For the sideview pictures is better when it's in the water, give it some spirulina tabs at the front of the aquarium and then take the pictures.

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Re: What Loricaria is this?

Post by Ill »

Will do so this evening.
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