how i made Clarias Batrachus to spawn again

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how i made Clarias Batrachus to spawn again

Post by juree »

April 11th-drop temperature to 22,5 C and waterlevel down to 30cm with waterfall noise.
April 12th-T=24C ,waterlevel up to 48cm,T up to 26C-my clarias batrachus male 36,5cm/14,25inch and female 38,5cm/15inch start made a nest,even three nests !!!
April 13th-T=27C male start U turn a female .... NO eggs
April 14th 09:00 YES -male quard eggs 200-300,female rest 100cm from nest !
April 14th 23:30 -eggs are 16hours old and NO one FUNGUSED at all -eggs are cristal clear !
I hope male do this time all thinks right and eggs are not EMPTY !!!
April 15th 15:00 -eggs have 30hour -so many ,eggs was so many-now i see it by FUNGUSED ~400till600 BAD realy bad -all eggs fungused on hour 30-32.Next spawning -november 2008 when my clarias be 40cm and full 21 month of age...
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