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i picked up two pleco's at the local pet store, i think ones a clown pleco, the other could be a common, but he has a massive fin on his back and is mostly black/white
i paid $10 for both of them, im hoping the large one cleans my tank up well
- not 100% sure, but 99.5%. The doubt comes from the fact that the fish may be unnaturally contrasty from some camera/photoshop work - but if the photo is a true representation of a very dark brown fish with straight yellowish lines, then I would say it's L204.
I would agree with MatsP on the wee fella being a young L204
Certainly looks identical to the juveniles I have had in the past, right down to what we can see of the shape of the head
That would be unfare to ask them about species that are exported from Colombia or from Asia, better to ask the customs in Netherlands that needs to know all existing species of fishes in the world
I think the second fish could be a Panaque maccus, it looks quite small and youngsters is very similar to L204 up to 4-5 cm TL.
If the fish have a lyretail dont exclude P maccus because youngsters at this size ~3 cm of both species have a lyreshaped caudalfin with short filaments.
I'm all for Panaque maccus. It looks like mine when they were youngsters. And as for the lyretail I believe all of my P. maccus have lyretails... and I'm 100% on my identification of the ones I own.
Good luck macantley.