poor thing....

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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poor thing....

Post by ShadowDancer10k »

I think my cory catfish (one of the peppered ones) is slowly dying. I am afraid there is not much else I can do for the little guy. He was laying on his side and in the corner of the 20g (I moved all my cories to the 20g) I since moved him to a treatment tank and he is lying on his back hardly breathing. He is still alive but barely. This was the same one I was concerned about earlier. should I just not do anything?? I tried feeding a little medicated food but he is too weak to even acknowledge that I put food in for him. what do I do?
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Re: poor thing....


Are there any other symptoms of illness such as spots, loss of color, or anything else? Also how old is the cory? Could it just be his/her time? Maybe God lost one of his fish and needed another one. This is what I tell my daughter when one of ours starts to go! :) Maybe a good pic would help us help you.
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Re: poor thing....

Post by ShadowDancer10k »

his color has been darker than it used to be and he is also a lot thinner than he used to be. No spots, white specks or anything that I have noticed. He was acting fine yesterday and now this. I think he is about ready to go to cory heaven. Out of desperation I was looking thru my fish meds and read some symptoms of skin/gill flukes which seemed to match what he had and that my guppies had it too and the cories had been in contact with them. they were in the same tank for awhile before i moved them. so I treated with General Cure for parasitic diseases which seemed to me to be the reasonable thing to do otherwise he would die anyway if I did nothing. NOw all I can do is wait and see if the medicine has any effect. Hopefully. I put a little medicated food (anti parasitic food) for him, still not showing any interest. He is still lying on his back huffing and puffing. As for how old, I don;t know I got him at a small pet shop with 2 others that are healthy. He was too, at the time. Thanks for your response. I can;t show a pic right now, sorry.
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Re: poor thing....

Post by andywoolloo »

poor thing! I hope he makes it. :(
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