OMG! He's hyper active!

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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OMG! He's hyper active!

Post by sillypony »

I had to quarantine my danios on monday ( :( )

But I have discovered an unexpected upside to this. All that is left in my 55 is the L75, the L264 3 queen loaches and 2 cory cats.

All day i watched the cories and loaches play- which was great.

But right now, I have tank lights out, and the ceiling light on in my room, and the L75 is... EVERYWHERE! I have never seen a plec swim sooooo much. He just does laps and circles, and swims the top of the tank and the front and the back... and even sucks on the glass and hangs out in the flow from the sponge filter. Its awesome.

I never realized what an active night life my plecs were living while i'm asleep!! :headbang:

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Re: OMG! He's hyper active!

Post by andywoolloo »

it's a whole other world at night in one of my tanks as well! I wish i could put an infra red or night vision camara on it and watch it on tv.
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Re: OMG! He's hyper active!

Post by Richard B »

Many cats are completely different when the lights go out! :eek:

when i used to work at a lfs it was wierd going into a fish room 1st thing in the morning to turn the lights on & seeing what was going on when the lights came up - sometimes it was the only time certain fish were seen!!!
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Re: OMG! He's hyper active!

Post by sillypony »

Hehe. It is very cool. I see now why so many people talk about red lights and what not for night time viewing...
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