sexing L082 - help

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sexing L082 - help

Post by danishcatfish »

Can anyone sex this L082 :?:
Sorry but I have dyslexia, so grama and spelling is not my strong side.
/Svend :)
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Re: sexing L082 - help

Post by Haavard Stoere »

Maybee it would be easier if you rounded up all three fish for detailed photographs. It is always easier to sex fish when you can compare several fish.
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Re: sexing L082 - help

Post by danishcatfish »

Haven´t had the luck of a photo-option of all 4 jet, but ofcaurse you are right.
Sorry but I have dyslexia, so grama and spelling is not my strong side.
/Svend :)
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Re: sexing L082 - help

Post by danishcatfish »

The chance of having 4 of the same sex is 0,5x0,5x0,5x0,5=0,0625%. I think I will let time tell if they will mate.

Sorry but I have dyslexia, so grama and spelling is not my strong side.
/Svend :)
Bas Pels
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Re: sexing L082 - help

Post by Bas Pels »

danishcatfish wrote:The chance of having 4 of the same sex is 0,5x0,5x0,5x0,5=0,0625%. I think I will let time tell if they will mate.

That is, assuming to external influences on sex choise are around

Unfortunately, quite a few species (life bearers, cichllids) are known which are vulnerable

Remember, the well know XX - female XY - male sysetem is only around in mammals. Birds have XX /X[] (thus nothing) but other vertebrates have no sex chromosomes, they get male or female depending on a lot of causes, some internal, some external
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Re: sexing L082 - help

Post by danishcatfish »

Yes - in teory

There could also occurre bias from caching. Males are easyer to cach becaurse they stay in the caves. Maybe on a ration 4:1 male:female.

But still - it is stressfull to cach them a eksamen them with closeup photoes. I rather trust i luck.

Sorry but I have dyslexia, so grama and spelling is not my strong side.
/Svend :)
Bas Pels
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Re: sexing L082 - help

Post by Bas Pels »

danishcatfish wrote:Yes - in teory

There could also occurre bias from caching. Males are easyer to cach becaurse they stay in the caves. Maybe on a ration 4:1 male:female.

As I have same 10 wild caught Ancistrus, I hope your estimation is right. However, I do share your analysis, that catching the fishes in the wild sometimes has a large influence:

Ancistrus males stay on their turf (read stone) females mostly don't
I once read an explanation why Bitodomas (a cichlid) are so hard to breed: Young males are said to preferr swallow waters, while females prefer deeper water

The Indians catching them, naturally only collect swallow water - hence only males get exported
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