question about cycling a 20 gallon

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question about cycling a 20 gallon

Post by ShadowDancer10k »

I recently got a new 20g tank (see my other post) and it has been cycling for about a week now. I added some of the old water from my old and leaky 5g to the 20gallon and also put in Stress Zyme bacteria product. How long before I can add only 2 of my corys to the tank (and only 2 for now, rest later)?? do I need to wait until I have finished adding the Stress Zyme?? or is it okay to put just those 2 in the 20gallon for now? the thing is when, my 5gallon was leaking I had to move my 5 cories to other tanks and 2 of them I had to put in a small 1g because I had no other place to put them. Let this be a lesson in that always have an extra tank or 2 in case of emergencies like that. I really don;t want to keep them in such a small home for too long that is why I am thinking about moving them so soon. someone pls let me know soon!
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Re: question about cycling a 20 gallon

Post by andywoolloo »

I do not know what stress zyme is. Is it like Bio Spira? When I used Bio Spira it was with fish in. I think you need the fish in the tank to cycle it. Unless u are doing a fishless cycle. Which I do not know how to do.

Your tank will not cycle a "fishy cycle" without the fish in it, their food and waste etc. Do you have a test kit? How many fish do you have to put in their? Cause I don't think you can do it with alot of fish just a few I think.
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Re: question about cycling a 20 gallon

Post by Plecofanatic1989 »

Good to hear you used aged water from your other tanks. Establishing, "cycling", will usually take a month, but adding aged water and Stress Zyme helps move that period along faster. When I set up my 55, I used about 20 gallons of aged water (from a 20 and a 10) and filled it the rest of the way from the tap. I added fish (cories, about six of them) next day and I still have them almost a year later. That's not mentioning that I kept my eye on the levels for the next couple of weeks and did another 20 gallon (aged) water changed within a couple of days. I believe that your cories will not be bothered and will do much better in their new 20 gallon home than they are in their 1 gallon :wink: . Just watch your levels and add your bacteria as specified.
Best of luck.
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Re: question about cycling a 20 gallon

Post by Bas Pels »

Once I did not have any time for cycling.

I decorated the tank (using mainly old stones and wood, thus qquite free from any preteinous substances), filled it with water, and put the pump (internal filter) on.

Than I took the fish for the tank into a bucket, took the Eheim pro filter along (~1 month after its last rinsing - thus rather clean, but well cycled), coupled it to the new tank and after filling it with tankwater, plugged it in.

The fish came half an hour later.

The old, cycled, tank got another, uncycled filter.

Remember, if a tank has a suitebly sized filter, approximately half the nitrating bacteria are in the tank, and half in the filter.

The first week I did not fieedthe fishes, but, as expected, i had no mortality, or even unhappy fishes
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Re: question about cycling a 20 gallon

Post by ShadowDancer10k »

ok, thanks, I will move 2 of my cories right away (the ones in the 1gallon) to the 20g. I do think they will be much much happier in there than in the little 1gallon tank. I just wanted to be sure the tank was ready first so as to avoid any casualties. those will be the only 2 i am adding for now and then I will add the other 3 cories at a later date, checking water parameters as well. I am also (later) will be adding guppies to the 20gallon also.
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Re: question about cycling a 20 gallon

Post by Zorba_The_Freak »

Definetly, if you add only the 2 cories to the 20 gallon they will be much better than the 1 gallon. Just don't feed very much and keep an eye on NH3/NH4 and NO3.

If you have a cycled filter you can add some of the "dirt" from the old filter into the new tank.

It will help cycle the tank much faster than the aged water.
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Re: question about cycling a 20 gallon

Post by andywoolloo »

I think you could keep them together. There is 5 right? Cories? And def use some of the filter media or sponge or whatever was in the other tank? Gravel? If it was gravel in other tank you can put some of that in a panty hose and tie in a knot, cut off excess and put that in the new tank. If the old filter will fit on the new tank you can run both filters on the new tank.
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Re: question about cycling a 20 gallon

Post by ShadowDancer10k »

yes there are 5 cories. and i am going to keep all them together. for now the other 3 are in cramped quarters with 2 small guppies in a 2.5gallon tank as I had to divide up the cories when the old tank started to leak. I did not use the old gravel or the cycled filter for the new aquarium just the aged water about 3 gallons worth and some stress zyme. and the 2 cories are happily enjoying their new home in the 20g. they enjoy having all that space to themselves. I am not going to feed very much just a little as I wouldn't want to foul up the water too quickly. Will try and post some pics soon of my tank and the cories.
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