My Setup

Post pictures of your beloved catfish aquaria here. Also good for pictures of your (cat)fish rooms or equipment discussions. If you are posting pictures of identified catfish, please do so in the appropriate husbandry and reproduction forum above.
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My Setup

Post by bigduke45123 »

I have a thirty Gallon tank that I have devoted for bottom feeders. In this tank I have 4 Corys that are some of the bussiest fish that I have ever seen. They are always searching for food and normally stay together except from time to time one will stray away but that is because he isn't the same type as the other three. I also have 6 little otos that are one of the best additions that I think that I have added. They are the funnest fish to watch because at one point in the day you won't see a single one and then all at once you see all of them stuck to the side of the tank. I also have in there five synodontis ocellifer that like to stay hiddin in the bubble cottage. And there is also another cat fish that I have no clue what he is but he seems to be very nice and doesn't cause any problems. I just got six gold claw crabs that I added the other day along with a little betta bowl turned on its side with rocks and took an air hose and filled it full of air so the crabs have a place to get some air and not excape out of my tank. the corys and otos seem to like the little air bowl more than the crabs though they go in there and just sit right under the edge of the water. I have a chinese alge eater who right at the moment doesnt seem to be aggressive towards any of the fish but I am sure that when he gets full grown that he will and that is when he will have to get moved.
Two corys
Two corys
Chinese Alge Eater
Chinese Alge Eater
My tank
My tank
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Re: My Setup

Post by Richard B »

Welcome to Planet Catfish :)
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Re: My Setup

Post by bigduke45123 »

Thanks for the welcome hopefully I will be able to find a lot of useful information here and hopefully when I get a good pic of my cat that I am not sure what he is someone can Identefy him for me.
Thanks again.
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Re: My Setup

Post by Richard B »

There is tons of info on the site & i can't remember a fish that wasn't able to be identified by someone - get a photo in when you can :thumbsup:
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Re: My Setup

Post by bigduke45123 »

Here is the cat fish that I cant figure out what he is and here is a pic so hopefully someone will help me out with it. I got him at petsmart and he cost me $16 and was about a third of the size he is now.
BigCat 003.jpg
BigCat 002.jpg
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Re: My Setup

Post by waterfaller1 »

Nice looking fish. He has more of the look of a loach or garra.
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Re: My Setup

Post by racoll »

Nice looking fish. He has more of the look of a loach or garra.
Not a loach or garra, but a catfish. Looks like but the barbels look a bit long. Possibly a hybrid.....
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Re: My Setup


After going through all the pictures. The best match I could come up w/ is one the there is only a drawing of on file. Synodontis velifer, But the tail fin looks a bit different. not quite "v" shaped enough. :?
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Re: My Setup

Post by wwg »

I'd say ocellfer too
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Re: My Setup

Post by andywoolloo »

he is a nice colour.
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Re: My Setup

Post by bigduke45123 »

The only problem that I have found about him not being a ocillifer is that he doesnt have a below his top fin like I have found in many pics. Thanks eveyone for your comments and hope to hear from more of you guys. Btw what kinda cats do you all have in your tanks and here are a few pics of my otos.
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