Are raphael catfish supposed to be noisy?

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Are raphael catfish supposed to be noisy?

Post by bushynose_cory »

Whenever I go near my 30 gallon growup(The fish in there are just too small to be realesed into the big tank) tank, the raphaels always make noises! The click, grunt, rumble, squeak, "fizz", and scape the bare bottom(Bare for easy cleanup)

Are they supposed to be so noisly?! AT first, when I didn't know, I thought the tank was leaking or something! Funny little guys!
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Re: Are raphael catfish supposed to be noisy?

Post by Dave Rinaldo »

Talking catfishes get their common name from noises they make, mostly at night, by griding their pectoral fin bone in its "socket". Click here to listen to this species.
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Re: Are raphael catfish supposed to be noisy?

Post by worton[pl] »


they also get noisy when something isn't right ;) just to frighten potential assailant - it's perfectly normal.

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Re: Are raphael catfish supposed to be noisy?

Post by Richard B »

Lots of doradids make noises, for defence, when squabbling over food etc - it can be quite loud & happen often, sometimes at the most surprising times!
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Re: Are raphael catfish supposed to be noisy?

Post by midnightrider »

My Pictus are noisy when I have them out of the water in another container like a plastic picher.
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Re: Are raphael catfish supposed to be noisy?

Post by andywoolloo »

cool sound bite on that link, Dave.
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Re: Are raphael catfish supposed to be noisy?


First of all I'm confused. You keep the Raphaels in a bare bottom grow out tank? :shock: Is there anything in the tank for them to hide in? These are fish that like to burrow or hide and feel secure. Also is it Raphaels that you are raising in the tank or another species? I'm wondering if you fish are unhappy and are trying to tell you buy making so much noise. I've never heard mine and I've had him/her for about 3 1/2 months now.
29 gallon tank and 2 gallon tank
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