cory. sterbai - friends?!

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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cory. sterbai - friends?!

Post by monkeon »

hi, I've had a small group of sterba's for coming up to 2 years now, and i've since bought more tanks and moved fish about and what-not. I was thinking of getting a few 'friends' (more corys) for these great fishies! does anyone know of any that would a be particularly good or particularly bad corys to keep with them? i could fit 4 or so average sized corys before overstocking. the temperature is a little warmer than 'usual', since they're with an L333(i think?), and i dont want a very expensive species
i've had no problems to date, they are brilliant!

any comments welcome
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Re: cory. sterbai - friends?!

Post by MatsP »

I don't think there are that many different species that would be particularly bad (as long as temperature range is OK).

I recently got som C. similis to add to my large tank - they are quite nice looking and should cope with similar temperatures as the C. sterbai.

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Re: cory. sterbai - friends?!

Post by monkeon »

they look nice! I'll see if i can get some of those. thank you
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Re: cory. sterbai - friends?!

Post by MatsP »

If you have a local Maidenhead Aquatics, they should be able to get some [well, one of my local branches has some at least].

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