Post pictures of your beloved catfish aquaria here. Also good for pictures of your (cat)fish rooms or equipment discussions. If you are posting pictures of identified catfish, please do so in the appropriate husbandry and reproduction forum above.
Here are a few of the pictures I've taken in the last few days. I'm more than open to critiques as I'm only just now getting a chance to use the camera enough to learn about it. Be gentle ;).
Hey there Barbie,
Great photos! I always have to have a friend with a Nikon D80 and beau coup lenses to take really good photos for me.
Lovely Mandarin Dragonette; Mine used to spawn regularly in my old reef tank.
Is the L400 one of the similar looking plecos i traded with you? I was never sure of their correct identity.
Is the L260 a male? If so, I think I still need a male if one turns up.
Feel free to post a photo of the "Fire dragon" Discus. I'd like to see how they are coming along.
I am setting up six new 40 gal breeder tanks this week so I'll have more grow out space for Discus fry. My four pairs are overwhelming me. I had three new spawns in the past 24 hours. One is a wild Blue male paired with a female Red Turquoise. This is their first spawn in a private tank and I'm really hoping they raise their brood. I'll hold on the a couple dozen then narrow them down to the best looking dozen fish to raise more pairs.
The L400 was a fish I originally purchased as an L173, which it obviously isn't. That colony is actually living with the Fire Dragon discus and spawning regularly. The discus are actually large enough now that the macro lens is hard to use, but I'll try to take some more pictures this week with my other lens. They're really looking fantastic and squabbling more. I'm hoping they'll put off spawning a bit longer ;). The discus I was growing out in the display tank at the store spawned last week at WAY too small of a size! I thought they were just practicing but evidently they were very serious!
I have a couple male L260 at the store at the moment, yep. I can hook you up whenever we find someone that wants to risk their life driving that road between your house and the store! What a disaster this winter is making everything!
I'm going to work on taking more pleco pictures while I have two days off on monday and tuesday. Hopefully I can get Bob to herd "suckie fish" out of rockwork and what not so I can get shots of some of my less gregarious types ;).
I am with Larry on liking the dragonet...always one of my favs.
Cyprichromis look great too
I find it hard to get good shots of subtle colors like on the threadfin
I will not critique as they are better than I can take with my point and shoot
But I am soon getting an SLR and am always interested to hear what others are using for equipment
Myself I want to go Nikon(the above mentioned D80)
I am using a Canon 40D. These shots were taken with a 100mm F2.8 macro lens. I have been wanting to purchase a good SLR for years and just couldn't justify spending the money. Now with having the store, I have access to even more fish than I can keep at home, plus I have the website that could use more updating with pics as I go along. I've been amazed how many people are using it already, so the idea is to change the format over to something I can more easily update. I'm trying to learn as I go. It's a slow process, hehe.
The Nikon's are great cameras. They have quite a few features that mine doesn't, including talking to an off camera flash without anything extra like a cord or a sending unit. That feature alone makes them great for fish pics, IMO. I already had an older Canon SLR and lenses, so I was used to how they worked and what not. I had been planning to wait to upgrade, but when the reviews came out on the 40D I couldn't take it anymore, hehe.
My strain of Red Turquoise tend to begin spawning at only 11 months old while still only barely four inches in diameter. They continue to grow until reaching about six inches in diameter.
I was looking to send you to one of my forum-friends over at [good place to discuss all things digital photography], but he doesn't have his coral photos in a separate album - but here's one example: