Bulico bristlenoses?

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Bulico bristlenoses?

Post by KittyKat »

One of my friends recently acquired some of (what she was told by their breeder) were bulico bristlenoses. Does anyone know anything about them? The only mentions I managed to find was two auctions on aquabid which did not give much worthwhile information. Could it possibly be an unusual bristlenose colour morph?
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Re: Bulico bristlenoses?

Post by MatsP »

Never heard of it, but perhaps it's referring to the Piebald variety of :


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Re: Bulico bristlenoses?

Post by corydoras »


The Bulico bushynose longfin ancistrus that I found on Aquabid was simply a brown longfin Ancistrus sp(3).

Like Mats, I first thought that bulico might be a distortion of calico ie the marbled / piebald / red and black (delete as applicable) variety, but it appears not to be.

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Re: Bulico bristlenoses?

Post by KittyKat »

Thanks for the info guys! Here are two photos of the plecos in question just in case they might help:


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Re: Bulico bristlenoses?

Post by corydoras »


Look like normal finned Ancistrus sp(3) to me.

I'd love to know where the name Bulico has originated from.


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Re: Bulico bristlenoses?

Post by MatsP »

Without any evidence to say OTHERWISE, I would call both those .

Whilst it's hard to clearly identify A. sp(3) [1], it's a very, very common variety, it's captive bred in volume both in Europe and North America, as well as many hobbyists supplying locals shops with a dozens or hundreds at a time - I have seen several shops with 1"/2.5cm babies, and they don't come that size from the wholesalers .

[1] The difficulty in identifying it stems from the fact that there are about 100 known species of Ancistrus, but we don't actually know WHICH of these is the one we call Ancistrus sp(3) - it is not imported as a wild fish any more, probably because it's from a country that no longer export fish to the hobby - for example Venezuela.

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