Hy from Germany

A members area where you can introduce yourself, discuss anything outwith catfish and generally get to know each other.
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Posts: 7
Joined: 25 Dec 2007, 22:11
Location 1: Germany/ nearby munich

Hy from Germany

Post by ChristianII »

so I think at my first posting I should introduce me a little. My name is Christian and I live in a village very close to munich in south germany.
I have two tanks with 450 litre (is it about 118 US-gal?)and 65 litre (about 17 gal?).
In my bigger one live 5 L333, 3 Hoplosternum thoracatum and about 15 corydoras aeneus. Also a shoal of Hemigrammus bleheri and 3 anglefish are cruising to the water.
In the small one are 4 old cory panda, 2 old corc paleatus and 11 young paleatus, a couple ancistrus and some Hemigrammus amandae.

If you want to know more, ask me :D

I wish everyone here a Merry Chrismas (We in Germany have tomorrow another Chrismasday :D )

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Post by andywoolloo »

Welcome! :D Merry Christmas!!

Can we see pictures of your tanks please? :)
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Richard B
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Interests: Tanganyika Catfish, African catfish, Non-loricariid sucker-catfish.
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Post by Richard B »

Welcome to Planet Catfish
Posts: 7
Joined: 25 Dec 2007, 22:11
Location 1: Germany/ nearby munich

Post by ChristianII »

ooh, that remembers me, I don´t have actual pictures of my tanks. But I will try to make some new one and post it here within the next days.
Thank you for the welcome greetings here.

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