Wood and rocks in the dishwasher does not even qualify as an offense.I'd love to see my wife's expression if she opened up the dishwasher and there was a piece of bogwood in there! Might be worth it, although the dog house is pretty uncomfortable........
Some of my convictions:
Peat in the coffee pot to make my own blackwater extract (that will get you busted).
Using the colander to wash gravel (it is mine now)
Caught collecting brineshrimp with the kitchen turkey baster (also mine now)
Caught using kitchen measuring spoons for fish medications (also mine now)
Caught trimming plants with the "good kitchen scissors."
Using assorted pots pans, and perware as temporary tanks.
Using the kitchen mortar and pestle to mash up dry food for the fry.
Big offense, caught cutting up pantyhose for use as filter media bag.
OK, what has gotten you in the dog house?