BullHead Catfish

All posts regarding the care and breeding of catfishes from other parts of the world (North America, Europe and Australia). If you don't know where your catfish is from, post a query in the identification category.
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Posts: 23
Joined: 03 Mar 2006, 21:07
Location 1: Alabama
Interests: BullHead Catfish & North American Native Fish

BullHead Catfish

Post by Fishlover14 »

Hey all. I have posted on this forum before but I thought I would let you all know my current Bullhead Catfish Tank Setup and ask a few questions about Bullhead Housing.
I have a 100gal With Dual Emporer 400 Filters, I do not have a heater cause Bullheads are Coldwater cats, I have black pea gravel substrate, and fake plants (when the bullhead dosent dig them up)and a cave for the fish to hide in. I have one Yellow Bullhead in the Tank who is around 11-12'' long and 2 years old. I feed once a day usually with chicken liver but sometimes beef heart. Does this sound like a good setup?
I have a 40long with an Emperor 400 and a Penguin 330 Everything is the same as the first tank but I have a smaller Yellow Bullhead in it. He is around 9-10'' long.
Are both of these tanks big enough for my fish?
Do the growth patterns of my Bullheads sound normal?
I have a question about collecting Black Bullheads. What is the best way to collect one. I have Yellow and Brown Bullheads now but no Black and I have always been interested in keeeping some Black bullheads. Thanks in advance.

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