Re: Raising of L114 juveniles

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Re: Raising of L114 juveniles

Post by NOGO4U »

Hi all,

Would appreciate anyone could share some information or experiences regarding the raising of this species of catfish,
- growth rate,
- tank size,
- what you have been feeding them, and of course,
- breeding, if possible.

Thanks in advance ;)

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Post by Yann »


Have you read this article...
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Post by Yann »


For general information you can also read this article...
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Post by Firochromis »

Hi, while searching I find this old thread, but the links aren't working. Would someone please update the link?
Firat Cingi

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Post by YSR50 »

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Post by Jackster »

I bought 3 smaller L114 about 6 months ago and they are still my favorites.
They get large and eventually they will need a big tank especially if you have
any breeding intentions. Caring for them is easy, just keep the water clean and
my 3 eat mostly pellets such as Uncle Rick's Attack, New Life Spectrum, or
Sonic pellets for smaller fish (1"-2"). I also feed them earthworm sticks and dried
krill a couple times a week. They grow slowly and the 3 fish I purchased
have "bulked up" considerably but only grown about 1/4"-1/2" in length so far.
They love to hide under rocks or wood all day and I think they do best with
nightly feedings. Hope that helps!

"The Jackster"
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