New L066 feeding.

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New L066 feeding.

Post by Easystreet »


The tank is 40g 48x12x16.

I ordered 3 L066 from along with 12 penguin tetras and a pair of apistogramma cacatuoides.

I acclimated everybody via the drip in a bucket method. They all had their own buckets. Except the tetras they were all together. Everybody looks healthy. The L066's hide now that the light is on. The two apistogramma's adventure in the tank together and the tetra's are happily schooling all around the tank. I have lots of caves for the L066's and the apistogramma's. There are 9 caves total in the tank. There are plenty of plants and free swimming space.

This morning I fed them all for the first time. The Tetra's gobbled down the NLS flake food. The apistogramma picked a little at the NLS Cichlid food (small) I fed the L066's NLS H20 wafers. They just kind of stayed hidden.

What do I do if they don't eat? Should I try frozen blood worms? I have no idea what they were fed at Any advise on how to get the little guys to eat? They stay in the back of the tank. Should I drop the food right on them?

Any advice is welcome.

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Post by Bristle nose »

L066 are carnivours, so meat type foods like bloodworm, beefheart, shrimp pellets, ect work well. If they are hungry, they will find the food.
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Post by Luka »

Put the food for L066 in the tank at night, at least at the beginning. In a few weeks or months when they got acclimatized and used to the new environment they might come out to eat when the lights are on.
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Post by tadj »

yeh feed them at night and they will eat blood worms brine shrimp sinking pellets
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