plecos sucking slime coat

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plecos sucking slime coat

Post by PoohBear »

I have been told that plecos will suck the slime coat off of sleeping fish at night. I have never personally had a problem with this. I can't imagine that a well-fed pleco would bother a healthy fish in this way. What are your experiences with this?
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Post by Zebrapl3co »

I can't imagine how a pleco can do that. But I did hear that chinese algae eater do that to fishes like discuss though. Who ever told you this might have mixed it up thinking CAE are plecos.
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Post by chris 1 »

I have a few otos and occasionaly they do try to latch on to other fish.
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Post by Chrysichthys »

I've also seen otos do it.
(Daily Mash headline)
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Post by Richard B »

I've witnessed ottos & ancistrus do this on odd occasions - & not just on "sleeping" fish but in the daytime with full lights on. This was primarily witnessed with angels & discus & with discus it is well documented the adults feed the young with a slime coating - i presume the suckers are wise to this food source
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Post by Bas Pels »

Some 20 yaers ago - or more I saw in a slide presentation a slide of a pleco sucking meat from a Cichlasoma synspilum, which was told later died from its wounds.

I can't say whether it was faked or not, or who was the speaker.

Although properly warned, I have had some 25 large plecos over time (gibbiceps and others that size)but i never, ever witnessed any one sucking life fishes - but they do suck dead ones
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Post by Barbie »

I think part of this "story" might originate with people that treat plecos as janitors and don't meet their dietary needs. I know that I, personally, would rather do many terrible things than be forced to eat green peppers, but I probably would change my mind if I was starving ;).

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