Some help needed for Identfication.

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Some help needed for Identfication.

Post by Monty99 »

First Big Problem no digi Cam around here.

The Catfish has body like a catfish ( eg. Synodontis ). Groundcolour Dark Brown, small Orange/white Stripes. Fin has White Stripes over the complete Fin.
The Special Thing : This Catfish sucks on The Glass Ancistrus Like.

I have no Idea what Catfish it could be.
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Post by MatsP »

It is very difficult to identify the fish without a photo.

There are several fish that have a sucker-mouth, and that are in the same family as the Synodontis: - for example and .

But there are possibly other sucker-mouths too that don't look like plecos: is one case.

If it's not any of those, we'll need to know what's different from those species [particularly things OTHER than colour/pattern on the body].

A photo would make it much better.

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Post by Monty99 »

Thank you for these fast Answer MatsP.

But there is no match for this one here. I think we had something very special here.

Tomorrow,i hope so, i can get a Digital Cam and take some photos.

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Post by MatsP »

I'm very curious to see what it looks like...

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Post by Monty99 »

Its curious for me too. This Fish looks like a Synodontis or something else : long stretched body, two (don´t know the engilsch name, sorry ) " Barteln " on his Mouth. The Body is Dark brown and 6-7 small white ( orange shining ) stripes around his Body. The stomache is grey. The Fins are with brighter white Stripes.

The special for me , this Fish has a sucker mouth , i had never seen this Fish in the last 29 Years of my Hobby. So I am very confused.

I will give you tomorrow some pictures.

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Post by Bas Pels »

Monty99 wrote: two (don´t know the engilsch name, sorry ) " Barteln " on his Mouth.
that would be 'barbels'

Are you certain it is 2 and not 4,6 ot 8? Almost all catfishes I know (but that does not count for much) have 21 or 2 pair of barbels under the mouth, and 1 or 2 on top of it (mustache wise).

Besides Synnodontis family (Mochokidae) are called feather barbel catfishes, and for a good reason, one pair of the barbels is divides into something looking like a feather
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Post by Monty99 »

He has two longer barbels on the downside of his mouth, and looks like they are harder and bigger as the normal Catfish ones.
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Post by sidguppy »

Maybe we aren't talking about a catfish at all....

I'm starting to think about Homaloptera or similar fishes.

does it have minute scales on it's body?

Maybe it's a Catostomid or another Cyprinid type kind of weird fish.
all kinds of highly unusual critters turn up the last few years, and at least out of Myanmar etc.

Does it have scales at all? cause catfish don't have scales.
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Post by diburning »

I'm thinking hillstream loach
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Post by Monty99 »

So Sorry Guys , no picture today, i will take them on tomorrow evenig.
But its not a Hillstream loach ... ;)

It seems definitly a African One.

So long

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Post by sidguppy »

Still no answer on the scales

FWIW: ive seen Garra's with exactly that description; short plump ones.

brown body, small orange or reddish brown striping and orange white banded fins.

for the non-catfish expert a shortbodied Garra can be a distinctive "pleco-like" fish.....

Like this Garra flavatra wich fits the description of the colors and does look a fair bit like a pleco-like fish:

Unlesx of course it is
Chiloglanis polypogon wich does look kinda "orange brownish" with banded fins. in an empty tank the colors will bleach out, making it more orange and less brown.
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Post by Monty99 »

So sorry Sidguppy,

want to answer but forgot it :(

No Minute Scales.
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Post by sidguppy »

did you check the polypogon I linked?

or does your fish look very different?
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Post by Jools »

Just a wild guess - ?

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