It took exactly an hr from start to finish for all the eggs to fully hatch with not one loss and no egg went bad with fungus in the incubation period (amazing). Once we arrived at the new place they were transferred back into the same tank with the same water being moved in an esky, the tank there in is housing the Whiptail Pair that spawned not long back which were moved in the esky LOL.
Now the Whiptail fry I have pics posted of elsewhere were in the icecream dish too. Talk about dad and dave and their antics. So with the tank in its new home with the fry back in there fry saver and the eggs in the seive above them they were given a light feed and left to themselves. To this day they are all growing well as can be seen in the following pics and getting darker fast, (it is a real treat to be able to study fry that u cant normally see as it is in the back end of a log).
To date there has been only one fry die after2 days swimming. EVERY egg hatched and in the pics u can see the empty shells.
Tank Specs
2ft, 27deg (eggs were spawned in 24deg)
erm life in a seive is pretty basic LOL no gravel or decorations in there.
there is one pic I have posted which has a bunch of red dots all over the eggs, what is this u ask??? this is my way of counting the eggs, place a dot on them and u cant count it twice LOL
so does anyone want to guess the number off eggs or will u all cheat and count them???
150+ as there were lots u cant see under the others.