Symbols in the submitted data

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Symbols in the submitted data

Post by Silurus »

I noticed that whenever symbols such as apostrophes (and a few others) are entered in the form, they show up in the submitted table accompanied by a backslash. Can this be fixed?
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Post by Rusty »

Nope, don't think so. PHP interprets some symbols, esp. the ' and ", in a special way. They have to be "escaped" with a backslash (the form does it automatically). Besides, Jools can (or should :-)) strip the backslashes before entering the data.

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Post by Jools »

Correct, but you can use a ` instead of a '. Also, double quotes are a problem, the only easy way is to use HTML.

& q u o t ; will render as "

Sorry it's a bit quirky.

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Post by Jools »

More on this. It appears that carraige returns are appearing in submissions which play merry hell with the table display and wil cause one data submission to creep into two lines.

I think these are introduced by pasting into the forms from another source such as a webpage or .pdf. Would it be possible to paste the text into (perhaps Rusty can help me out with the Mac equivalent) notepad to strip out any invisible nasties?

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Post by Silurus »

Actually, I intentionally put carriage returns to break the text up into paragraphs (easier reading than a whole string of sentences). Any viable alternatives?
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Post by Jools »

I'm not sure it is those carraige returns that are the problem, but maybe you are right and it's a limitation of the form when used from a Mac OS.

Try using two HTML break tags. < b r > < b r > without spaces. I can pick that up and run with it at this end and it won't goose the table display.

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