New member in California just getting into breeding- advice?

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Joined: 23 May 2007, 01:59
Location 1: San Jose Area, California

New member in California just getting into breeding- advice?

Post by kkat »

Hello everyone,

After several trials and errors, I've finally succeeded at getting a lovely batch of about 150 c. aeneus (bronze corys) fry from my group of 1 female & 3 males that have been feeding a lone panda cory and about a dozen cardinal tetras, as well as themselves, for a couple of years now with their spawnings before I decided to try and raise fry. Wahoo! They're so cute! I just love cory cats. I've had albino aeneus and pandas, but never tried to breed them (gave them away when I moved).

I was in a bad car accident and am fighting for disability from Soc. Sec., and trying to find another way to make a little money. I don't need much, as I get a free apartment here, working for the owner as the resident manager collecting rents, etc., thank goodness. But as I sat here one day pulling my hair out trying to figure out what I could do from home part-time where I can lie down whenever I need to -- the corys started spawning again...hmmmmmmmm.

I've also got some dwarf seahorses, which are showing great interest in helping me out, but they were wild caught ones that were poorly treated and very sick, so we'll see. I was able to save 1/2 and they're starting to breed.

I'm looking to buy some proven corydoras breeders that will produce fry that will be somewhat novel at my local fish club (San Jose area) and for the local fish stores, and of course, that are worth a little more money. At this point I'm only interested in corys, as I have years of experience keeping them happy and healthy.

I'd very much appreciate any thoughts or advice. I feel blessed to have so many experienced breeders willling to help us novices.

Thanks so much,

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cory breeding

Post by Danno »

plenty of fresh food like black worms and frequent water changes
no more than 25% will probably put thm in the mood more frequently i use black worms as a suplement because what doesn't get eaten right away they will spend lots of time ferriting out of the gravel and it wont foul the tank they seem to put them in a really good mood if you know what i mean and then the water change will usually triger them to spawm like spring rains do in nature
Posts: 3
Joined: 23 May 2007, 01:59
Location 1: San Jose Area, California

Post by kkat »

Danno, Thanks so much for the reply! I really appreciate the advice & I don't think I'll have a problem getting some locally. :D

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