MatsP wrote:Well, I think that Janne is as close an expert as you'll get, and if he asks you why you think it's NOT L173, then I have to ask the same thing, as that's the one I'd say it is, and from inference, it seems like Janne thinks so too.
But if you have some information that means that L173 is ruled out, such as an export location of Colombia (for example), which would mean that it's unlikely to have come from Rio Xingu would be such an information. The fact that it doesn't look EXACTLY like the picture in the Cat-eLog isn't a good indication.
By the way, I've just sent an update of L173 to remove some incorrect references to Hypancistrus zebra that remained there because at one point L173 was (more or less officially, not just on Planet Catfish) considered a variant of H. zebra, but I (along with others) now think this is not correct.
Thx Mats!!!
In fact, I don't know where they were caught and I bought them in different time. As a result, whether they are from the same place, I really have no clue.
How can you tell whether or not they are 173? Only from their colour? body shape or what else? I have asked a friend of mine, he told me that if the location is unknown, dimension of the fish and no. of teeth or even DNA are used to distinguish what species they are. Do you know any of these methodologies?
By the way, the first two were bought under L173, but some ppl said it's L66 (can you tell the difference between these 2 species?) and the 3rd and the 4th were came as "hypancistrus new variety" or whatever. But I think the last 2 were quite a different from the first two ans their colour were not a bright (white) as the first two...they were a little bit with greyish colour.
For your comment on L173, yes, I agree with you, 173 is quite different from least their eyes are in different colour and more likely with longer body apart from the closely alike stripe pattern.
Anyway, thx for your help on these little fellows!!!