I have nine catfish species and love them all for various reasons. My brown bullhead is my favotite. He is very interactive with me, coming to the surface to feed and such, not something most people would expect from a catfish. While a lot of people would consider them ugly I love watching mine swim around the tank and find him quite appealing.
My tadpole madtoms are a riot to watch. I have 6 of them and they are always peaking out from under their rocks waiting for food. They start searching in a frenzy before food ever reaches the bottom. Their movements and smooth appearance make them rather attractive IMO.
I have two pims, a P. pictus and a suspected P. albofasciatus. They are some of my oldest fish, have had them about 3.5 years. Their long barbels still leave me breathles and while they are pretty shy it's a real treat to be able to watch them simply because they seldom move about during the day.
Though I have had him a short time my Asian U.D. catfish is very unique, for this reason alone I already am attached to him.
I won't go over the rest, I have a couple different corys and plecos and they are all great for their own reasons. Catfishes are without a doubt some of my favorite fish to keep overall.
Here a a few shots of some of my cats.
Asian U.D. cat
Brown Bullhead