Microsynodontis polli

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Microsynodontis polli

Post by Yann »


Along with the Chiloglanis, I can also have some Microsynodontis batesii.
What are they basic requirements?
Water: parameters, water flow???
Food: anything special?
Behavior: Solitarian or group keeping?
If group: are they calm or agressive towards tankmates?
In advance thanks!
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Post by Silurus »

Water: parameters, water flow???
They prefer soft, acidic water, although people have successfully kept them in neutral to slightly alkaline water. A moderate current will do.
Food: anything special?
Not picky eaters. I fed mine live food, micropellets and crushed Tetra Bits.
Behavior: Solitarian or group keeping?
They are schooling fish. Best kept in a group of 6 or more.
If group: are they calm or agressive towards tankmates?
Very peaceful. I find that they do best in species tanks, actually. Or at least, the tank should not have any boisterous fish.
I've written an upcoming CoTM article on <i>Microsynodontis</i>. Ask either Jools or me for a copy.
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Post by Yann »

Thanks HH!

One more thing: what range of T°?
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Post by Silurus »

I kept mine in cooler water (about 22-24˚C), although they should be able to tolerate temps of up to 27-28˚C.
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Post by Yann »


By the way How big are they!
I have read somewhere that they can grow up to 4-5 inches (12cm), I thought they were smaller on what I have seen from them.
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Post by Silurus »

This depends on which species you get, as there are several species of <i>Microsynodontis</i> (some apparently undescribed) sold under that name. The largest are the true <i>M. batesii</i> (I have a pair at the moment), which get to about 4". I am also keeping the Nigeran "batesii" (an apparently undescribed species), as well as <i>M.</i> cf.<i>polli</i> (also apparently undescribed), both of which are much smaller and do not get beyond 2".
BTW, the live coloration of the true batesii is somewhat more striking than as stated in the original description.
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Post by Silurus »

I have little to add, but I just took some (not so good) pics of my recently-acquired <i>Microsynodontis</i> cf. <i>polli</i>.
Just thought I'd show off my crummy photography skills:


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Post by Dinyar »

That's definitely a Microsyno unlike any I've ever seen before. Much more like a regular Syno than the "Nyong" we had for many years. You say this is M. batesii?

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Post by Silurus »

No, this is what I'm calling <i>M.</i> cf. <i>polli</i>. I suspect it's an undescribed species as this fish comes from the Congo and the true polli comes from Guinee Conakry much, much further to the west.
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Post by Yann »


Received the little guys, all arrived pretty well, one of them was actually a young Synodontis sp.
Obviously they are not the true Microsynodontis batesii but look more like Heok Hee 's Microsynodontis cf polli
They are avbout 4cm long and one of them is clearly a female as she seem full of eggs.
Pretty nice active little fellows!!!
I'll try to make pictures of them ...
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Post by Silurus »

The identities of the <i>Microsynodontis</i> in the Cat-eLog have just been fixed, and we are only a couple days away from next month's CoTM, which features (you guessed it) <i>Microsynodontis</i>.
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Post by Yann »


Well my Microsynodontis have grown a bit...
The have 5 "yellow" thin lines running from the upper body forward the lower body, these lines stop at the sensorial line.
The also have a line on the front of the dorsal fins but it is only on the upper part of the body it hardly goes down the side.
Some brown mark are seen in the belly region and in the caudal fins.
Some "yellow" lines on the snout near the eyes , external to the eyes
Another lines that make a junction with each eye.
The adipose fin is also marked with "yellow" and brown markings!
Any Idea of the possible ID of this one!

PS: I'll try to post a pic later, need to get a numeric cam first!
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Post by BoBzz »

I had heard that they are actually found in the congo rapids after stanley falls. Is this information incorrect?
4x Hypselecara Temporalis (6-7")(3-4")
4x Myleus/Metyinnis sp. (2-3") 1x Leporinus Fasciatus (2")
2x Sorubim Lima (4-5")
1x Pseudomystus Siamensis 1x Ompok sp. (5")
2x Synodontis Ocellifer (6") S. Decorus (1-2") 1x Mystus Leucophasis (7")
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Post by Dinyar »

By "they", are you referring to all Microsynodontis species or a particular one?
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Post by BoBzz »

Any species? not any one in particular.
If so what species? :?
4x Hypselecara Temporalis (6-7")(3-4")
4x Myleus/Metyinnis sp. (2-3") 1x Leporinus Fasciatus (2")
2x Sorubim Lima (4-5")
1x Pseudomystus Siamensis 1x Ompok sp. (5")
2x Synodontis Ocellifer (6") S. Decorus (1-2") 1x Mystus Leucophasis (7")
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Post by Silurus »

The only species known from the Congo rapids is <i>M.</i> cf. <i>polli</i>, the one that I currently have a dozen of.
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Post by Yann »

I have finally id the small Synodontis that came with my Microsynodontis sp.
It is a Synodontis nummifer, or at least has the body shape, he's body is totally silver with not black mark.
I di check with the importator, and had no S. nummifer at that time!
What Microsynodontis could it be?
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Post by Silurus »

Microsynodontis cf. polli.
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Post by Yann »

a little update on the guy!!

I have isolated a trio in a 20 liters in a way to attemp breeding these.
I made one of these flower pot cave...
I can see a difference in the sex with the male being always slender, the 2 females seems to be full of eggs...

on one attempt, I saw the male with his "thingie" out and the next day a femal had suddenly lost weight but could find any eggs...

They also seem to spend a lot of thime in the java moss, so it makes me wonder if they might lay their eggs in their as well...

I guess my lack of sucess so far is due to the parameters of my water, I shall try working more with R/O...

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Post by Caol_ila »

They also seem to spend a lot of thime in the java moss, so it makes me wonder if they might lay their eggs in their as well...
I saw my M.sp."Nigeria" do this a couple of times...dive in there 1/1 but that was in a community tank. Sounds like youre on the right path...
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Post by laurab5 »

Yann, did you spawn these. What prices do these run at compared to your regular petricola and multipuncs
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Post by Yann »


I have softened the water add peat extract.. style no sign of breeding even if I have seen the female with the genital papilla out...

No eggs
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Post by Silurus »

laurab5 wrote:What prices do these run at compared to your regular petricola and multipuncs
These run about $8-10 apiece. Toyin Ojo of Rehoboth Aquatics may have some in stock right now.
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Post by laurab5 »

is that in the US
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Post by Nebraska_cichlids »

Yes, Toyin has polli right now. I bought a group of eight just a few weeks ago. Toyin also has a second Microsynodontis species.
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