2007-02-24: Video -> New "Tahitian Moon" substr

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2007-02-24: Video -> New "Tahitian Moon" substr

Post by BrownBullhead »

On Saturday, February 24, I overhauled my aquarium.

1. Removed the fluroescent lamps off
2. Removed glass lids, and cleaned 'em
3. Filled a 25-gallon container with tank water
4. Removed all my fish to the above container
5. Drained 100% tank water
6. Removed all rocks and contents of tank
7. Removed all "silica" sand using a ShopVac style vacuum
8. Took background / sidegrounds off tank
9. Got a friend to help me move my 150-gallon to clean back glass
10. Replaced background / sidegrounds to clean glass
11. Added 40 lbs. of "Tahitian Moon" (black) sand
12. Filled 100% tank water
13. Replaced rocks and contents of tanks
14. Replaced glass lids
15. Added fish back

All-in-all, this was a 6-hour job start-to-finish. However, the tank looks better than any setup I've had goin' before. Will post pictures soon.

Robert ["BrownBullhead"]
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Interests: Collecting freshwater and salt water fish, scuba diving, surf fishing, lots of small fish in big aquariums

Tahitian Moon Substrate

Post by Moontanman »

You have to love that Tahitian Moon Sand most if not all freshwater fish look best on a black substrate and many fish really like to be housed on sand. You have the best of all possible worlds here. Fish that like to dig or bury themselves love this stuff. I use chunks of coal instead of rocks in some of my tanks with the Tahitian Moon Sand for a really great effect. Great film, I love the way the catfish swimm in and out of the current. What species of catfish was that?
I grow swamp trees like bald cypress and water tupelo in aquariums similar to bonsai
Michael Hissom
Posts: 7
Joined: 24 Feb 2007, 20:33

Tahitian moon sand

Post by art-kitten »

Your tank looks great :lol:

I have that beautiful sand in all my aquariums. Wow, what a pain in the rump to wash right? That took more time than anything. But it sure is worth it.
My 40 gallon: I just upgraded it to a 55 but don't have photos yet.


My 10 gallon:


Thanks for sharing the video.

Posts: 62
Joined: 31 Jan 2007, 09:07
My cats species list: 5 (i:0, k:0)
My aquaria list: 1 (i:0)
Location 1: South Eastern NC
Location 2: USA
Interests: Collecting freshwater and salt water fish, scuba diving, surf fishing, lots of small fish in big aquariums

Re: Tahitian moon sand

Post by Moontanman »

I am criopuis about your pictures, do you have black gravel mixed in with the tahitian moon sand? In the pictures it looks like alayer of gravel over the sand or it might just be an artifact of the picture. Any way, great looking aquarium.

art-kitten wrote:Your tank looks great :lol:

I have that beautiful sand in all my aquariums. Wow, what a pain in the rump to wash right? That took more time than anything. But it sure is worth it.
My 40 gallon: I just upgraded it to a 55 but don't have photos yet.


My 10 gallon:


Thanks for sharing the video.

I grow swamp trees like bald cypress and water tupelo in aquariums similar to bonsai
Michael Hissom
Posts: 7
Joined: 24 Feb 2007, 20:33

All sand

Post by art-kitten »

It is all tahitian moon sand. :lol:
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