racoll: Yes of course, that's one half, and Kathryn having corall sand in the tank will add hardness and alkalinity too.
I must have been typing when Katheryn posted!
Is there anything else obvious I need to know about Otos? (obviously I will be doing research too)
Make sure you leave them in the shop for about a month after import. Perhaps reserve some if you are worried about them being sold.
If the shop doesn't treat them well after import they can die off in large numbers.
Make sure they take the losses, not you. After a month they should be left with the strong ones.
As Mats has said, when you feed them make sure you leave the food in there until it starts getting really soft (24-48 hours). If they are still eating it, leave it in.
Microwaved spring greens, spinach or kale are other good foods.
do they like live bloodworm and brineshrimp etc
I think feeding them brineshrimp or blood worm once or twice a week is good for them. Any more is too much for an algae grazer.
They aren't the fasted fish to the food, so don't worry too much when feeding the other fish.
Scraps of flake will also be good for them.